Chapter 3

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My mind had a million thoughts right now.

Who was Brad and what did he mean by "steal your girl again?"'

What had he done to Hayes? Who was this other girl? Wait, why did I care?

Ugh, I have math class right now. This should be interesting.

Me and Hayes sat beside each other, but anytime he tried to talk I just brushed him off. I'm not in the mood to talk to him now. My mind is still boggled about what could've made him so wrecked. I tried focusing on my math and soon enough class had ended and it was lunch time.

Let's see if I can break away from Hayes now. I got my food and was looking for a place to sit.

"Katherine," Hayes said as he grabbed my arm, "you can sit with me."

I walked over to his table and sat down.

"Hi, I'm Sean." One guy said.

"I'm Tyler." Another one said.

"I'm Harry." Said the last one.

"Katherine." I said, managing to smile.

They talked about football and the teachers. Soon enough lunch was over.

Off to gym. This shouldn't be so bad considering I'm an athelete.

Gym wasn't horrible, all we did was this health worksheet.

Next was music, I loved music! Especially plays and stuff! If it was too bad, at least it was the last class of the day! Music was fun. I played the bongo's and we took notes on C position, apparently we are gonna learn to play the piano. Piano is my shit, if I'm being honest.

School day's over, F I N A L L Y.

Off to the bus. Of course Hayes had to be on the same bus as me.

I'm not mean, I'm just still a little pissed because of earlier.

I sat in the back as I watched Sarah, the brunette from first block sit with him. She kept touching him and flirting. Now girl you see he don't want you and he keeps eyeing me so fuck off.

He didn't flirt back though, atta boy!

Finally the bus stopped at my house. I couldn't stand to see that grusome sight anymore.

I went straight into my house, into my room, and sat on my bed.

Hayes P.O.V.

I had math class right now and me and Katherine sat beside each other. Anytime I tried to talk to her, she just brushed me off. She tried to focus, but I could tell she wanted to look at me.

Class had finally ended and it was lunch time. I was thankful, because my stomach was starting to sound like a dying whale.

Katherine was ahead of me but I kept my eye on her.

I got my eyes on you, you're everything that I see, I need your hot love and emotion, endlessly. Ugh, Drake get out of my head, its not the time!

"Katherine," I said while grabbing her arm, "you can sit with me." I wanted her to sit with me, not because I was starting to like her, but because I didn't want her sitting near the trashcans, but then again I didn't want people to snatch her from me.

Wait, did I just say I was starting to like her?


Sean, Tyler, and Harry all introduced themselves and so did Katherine.

Me and the guys talk about football and the teachers, partially because I was afraid Katherine was still mad at me. Lunch had ended soon enough and now it was gym time.

We had to do some lahme health worksheet, and then in music we had to copy some notes that I would forget in 5 years.

Ahhh yes now the busride back home.

I sat down in the middle section, because that was my usual seat. Katherine sat in the back. I hope no creep was hitting on her.

Sarah, this brunette whose best friend broke my heart, sat down in my seat. She started flirting and touching me but I wasn't gonna play along with her, I just turned and faced the window. I saw that the bus had stopped on my street, but who was getting off?


That means Katherine lived one house down from me.


I got off the bus and walked into my house as I saw Nash and Skylynn making a vine.

I smiled as I walked to my room.

Not bad for a wednesday.


A/N; I'm sorry this chapter was kinda short, I hope everyone has a good New Year's. (: If you have an ideas or suggestions for me you can inbox me. Comment and vote! xxx

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