Chapter 6

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A/N; This chapter might contain some words having to do with .. yeah. I want you guys to listen to Breathe Me by Sia because I feel like thats how the mood of this story kinda is. A massive thank you to you guys for getting this book to almost 3K reads!!! Thank you for all your support and nice comments (: They make my day. I love you guys SO much <3

*Three weeks later*

It was 15 minutes until we got out from school, I had completely dreaded this day.

I was on my period and had cramps, causing me to be extremely moody.

I got sent out because I "back talked the teacher," like no lady if you're mean I'm surely gonna be mean back. Damn, give respect to get it.

Ring Ring Ring

And there goes the bell, thankfully.

The bus ride home wasn't anything great. I sat in the back listening to music, Demi Lovato could fix anything.

When I got off the bus I stormed in the house. I went up to my room and slammed my door shut.

My mom wasn't home so I was basically screaming out song lyrics.

It's probably what's best for you

I only want the best for you

And if I'm not the best then you're stuck

I started crying, my eyes hurt and my throat began to burn. I'm so unhappy right now. I just wanna curl up and cry, my body aches. Not just because my period, but I just don't know anymore.

Hayes P.O.V.

Katherine was super moody today what the hell was her problem?

She basically ignored me all day, then she got sent out because she wouldn't stop argueing with the teacher. Maybe I'll go to her house.

I walked over to her house after the bus dropped me off and I told my mom I was heading to Katherine's.

I knocked on her door, no answer.

I knocked again, no answer.

"KATHERINE!" I yelled while banging on the door.

I saw the door open and she was standing there. "What?" She said in a faint whisper. Her eyes looked puffy and her face was red.

"Katherine, what.. What happened?" I asked worried.

"Nothing Hayes, just leave me alone." She said quietly. "I'm not leaving." I said as I invited myself into her house.

"I'm sorry about everything Hayes.." She said with tears filling her eyes. "What do you mean?" I asked. What was she talking about? Was she okay?

"I know that you have a reputation, and 'image' you have to keep with your friends I get it, but to say that we...," She sighed and continued, " to say we actually did things together is just disgusting. I thought you were different. You know I actually, really liked you, but after all this I can't stand to even be near you." She said, her voice cracking towards the end.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused and outraged. "Katherine I like you alot and I would never say anything that would cause pain to you. I have honestly no clue what you're talking about."

"I just, I think you should go Hayes." She said barely able to talk.

"Who hurt you?" I said.

"You." She replied. I left her house and went straight to my room. What happened? What did I do? I cried myself to sleep that night because I felt so bad. I haven't uttered a bad word about Katherine the whole time she's been here. She's actually one of the most down to earth people I've met. She's real and not fake like all the other girls at my school.

I know one thing; no matter what happens I can't leave her like that. She looked broken.

I woke up the next day with puffy eyes and barely able to move. Today was thursday so the struggle was absolutely real. I put on some pants and a hoodie and then went downstairs. I did my usual morning routine and then got on the bus. I sat staring blankly out the window.

When I got to school I just exsisted until Katherine came in the room. Everybody started laughing at her, but why?

Brad came up to Katherine and said "How much do I have to pay you?" She tried looking away but he stepped in front of her. Katherine tried to speak up but her voice was so faint because of all the crying she must've done last night.

"Aw, does someones throat hurt from all that sucking last night?" Brad said and then smirked to Katherine. All of a sudden everyone's phone went off, including mine.

It was a picture message from "Anon"

It was a picture of Katherine with no clothes on. Everybody burst out laughing, except me. "Katherine." I was barely able to get the words to form from my mouth. She ran out of the room crying.

I chased after her but everything happened so fast, and she just kept running and next thing I knew- I don't even know what to believe anymore, especially after what I just witnessed.

A/N again; What do you guys think happened? Comment below.

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