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[I decided to just do an epilogue and not a sequel, enjoy!]




*50 years later*

Katherine is now 63. She's lying in a hospital bed in poor condition. She's diagnosed with a brain tumor and could die at any minute. All of a sudden a girl, roughly 7 years old, runs in Katherine's hospital room.

"Jade!" A voice yells from down the hall and a older man in his mid 60's enters the room. He has the bluest eyes and gray hair. "Sorry ma'am." The man says. "Whats wrong with her grandpa?"Jade asks worridly, but just enough so Katherine can her. "I have a brain tumor, sweetie." Kat answers politely. "Does that mean you're gonna die?" Jade asks once again, although this time Katherine didn't speak.

Jade walked over to where Katherine was laying and picked up her hand, "Everything's gonna be okay. Whats your name, I'm Jade." Jade spoke. "Katherine, Katherine Grey." Katherine spoke. "Grandpa always talks about someone with that name." Jade blurted.

In that moment you could probably feel the pieces getting stitched together. It was like how you lose a coin and it goes under the couch, so you can't reach it. Then one day when you're older, your hand is big enough to finally reach it and all is well once again.

"Kat, its me Hayes." Hayes spoke ever so softly, if you didn't hear him the first time you wouldn't have heard him at all. "Hayes?" Katherine said with her eyes growing a bit wider. Hayes and Katherine studied each other for a long time until Hayes spoke. "Jade, can you go find your mom in the lobby and tell her I'll be down there later?" Jade nodded and then skipped out the door.

"Its been 50 years and you still manage to be this beautiful." Hayes said causing Katherine to blush. "Hayes, I should've contacted you. I should've carried my butt to Cameron and told you something, anything. If it does any difference now I never stopped loving you. I dated this one guy when I turned 21, but he was no you. I cut off alot of people, because I missed you. I even got to a point were I cut off Nash and Leslie. When I went to their wedding, I looked every where for you. You didn't show though. I had nightmares, and wanted to be wrapped around your arms, I wanted you and only you. I'm sorry that I ever told you to go. All I really wanted you to do was stay. I wanted you to stay with me forever." Katherine finished.

You could see the tears swelling in Katherine's eyes as Hayes sat down on her bed. "There was never a day I didn't wonder about you. You consumed my thoughts most of the time, but I didn't have a problem with that, haha. I wanted to come back to you, to make everything right, but you deserved the best and I felt like I couldn't fully deliver that to you. You deserved someone who wouldn't hurt you, cherished you, but more importantly loved you. I know that when I told you, I ran, but it was so hard to stay away." Hayes spoke.

"None of it was your fault Katherine, I fully take the blame. I tried other girls, but they weren't you so it didn't work out. My life has been like hell these past years. I've even imagined this day and what I would say millions of times. I never would've thought I would see you in a hospital, or 50 years later. I missed you, and I am still madly in love with you." Hayes finished.

Hayes and Katherine talked until the night had crept upon them. Hayes stayed the night with Katherine and they both fell asleep heavenly. It wasn't until almost 4:31 am that Katherine's monitor didn't beep anymore. Hayes was startled and shook Katherine furiously, but to no avail. The nurses and doctors rushed in her room, and held Hayes back.


Nearly two hours later a doctor, fairly young, had walked out to spot Hayes. Hayes already knew it couldn't be good, but he still had the slightest bit of hope left in his body. The doctor spotted him and gave him the look. The look that said everything inbetween the lines, I'm sorry, but no, she didn't make it despite our constant trying. If you were in that room, it wasn't something you would wanna witness.

Hayes fell out of his chair with his hand over his heart, he had a heart attack. Although to this day, people say his heart had broke.

Take their story as a reminder that You're The Reason for someone's happiness, their sanity, their reason to keep trying. You can't just string someone along if they really care about you, because some of us just don't get it and we keep going, and trying, and pleading. You might not have seen your mother, or father, or friend, or sibling, in the longest time but that doesn't mean you're not The Reason Why they wake up and continue to live everyday.

A/N; Thank you all so much for reading this book and I hope you have all enjoyed it. [:

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