Chapter 13

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[Hey hey hey! Your guys comments are hilarious so here's an update! Thanks for all the support, enjoy! This chapter reminds me of Natalie by Bruno Mars so give it a listen!]





Hayes' P.O.V

"How is this even possible?" I asked. If you're wondering who it could possibly be, it was the girl who left me like I was nothing. Who chose Brad over me, and most importantly broke my heart. I never thought I would see her again, let alone care to remember her name, but with her standing right there in front of me all of my feelings are starting to rush back. I'm with Katherine yes, but Lauren is just so tempting. You know how when you're little your parents tell you not to touch something, but then it just makes you want to touch it even more? Thats how I was feeling about Lauren. Something about her still intrigued me, even to this very day.

"I missed you." She said in this sweet, yet seductive voice. She gave me a smirk and I knew she knew I wanted her. She was wearing these super short high waisted shorts that showed off her long tan legs and a super tight crop top that pushed up her boobs a little bit to much.

Told you she was a hoe. 

"You surely didn't miss me enough to pick me over Brad." I spat, realizing how much disgust I had for her. My emotions and feelings at this point were to hard to unscramble. 

"I never stopped loving you for one second Hayes. You know you're a real jerk, and thats probably why I left you!" She yelled. "And you're acting like a real Miss Priss! Now I didn't randomly text you out of the blue uninvited and ask you to come! You're wrong if you think I could love anyone as uppity and spoiled as you!" I yelled once again. Dang, if I got paid for how much I talk with song lyrics I would be rich! 

"I was willing to forgive you, but I'm out of here!" Lauren said and then stormed off. Well at least she can't get in between me and Katherine now. "Stalker.." I mumbled and then went back home. Although I have a feeling this isn't the last time I would see her again. "Maybe I should tell Katherine!" Was what she last yelled and then I froze dead in my footsteps.

Kat's P.O.V.

"Bye Leslieeee!" I yelled as Leslie went home. Nash gave her a hug and I knew they had this vibe going on, I could feel it. They don't call me Keeping it real Kat for nothing! Actually nobody calls me that, but they COULD! "So Nash," I said as we both sat on the couch, "Leslie is ?" I sat there waiting for a reply as Nash's eyes beamed. He smiled and then looked as if he was thinking for a bit.  "Lovely." Was all he said. 

Lovely? Lovely. In Love.. 

"LESLIE, LESLIE, GIVE ME SOME OF YOUR GRAVY!" I yelled and then me and Nash burst into fits of laughter. (Idk man it was a 1D thing I remembered comment if you do to.)

"Well little sis I should get going!" Nash said as he gave me a hug and it was a massive cuddly hug. Is cuddly even a word? Oh well. Then he left and I did my usual eat, blog, fangirl, and then sleep routine.

Nash's P.O.V.

*Cue the Music*



A/N; What in the world do you guys think is happening with Hayes & Lauren? Lauren is played by my best friend ImagineHayes so go follow her, also how do you like Leslie & Nash? What do you think Hayes did to Katherine? My Adele reference > Lol Do you guys still like my book? Have a fantastic day or night whenever you read this and stay flawless!

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