Chapter 11

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[Hey again I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!]





"Movies and cuddling are my kinda night, especially with you." Hayes said while I snuggled up to him under the warm blanket we were sharing. "I'm surprised you haven't complained about how much this couch hurts." I said kinda sarcastically to Hayes.

"Zayumm bae you always be trippin'! Haha, I just wanna enjoy my time with you thats all no matter how much pain I have to endure." He said while playing with my hair. "So you're still saying the couch is uncomfortable am I right or nahhh?" I said teasing him. I love it when people play with my hair its so soothing and especially when Hayes does it.

"Girl, just watch the movie!" He said while laughing. We were currently watching Divergent, its actually really good so far. I wasn't really that hyped to see it like everyone else, but its really adventerous and stuff. I leaned my head on Hayes shoulder and he put his arm around me. This is one of the benefits of having a boyfriend. 

Wait, did I just call Hayes my boyfriend? As in boyfriend not boy friend? I'm going crazy I swear. 

"Are you ready to sleep?" Hayes asked, clearly tired. "Yeah, carry me?" I questioned as Hayes picked me up in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he began to carry me up all fifteen stairs. Once we got upstairs he layed me down on the bed and his face hovered above mine. "Thank you for staying with me today." I said as I stared into his eyes. "No problem." He said while looking back into my eyes, like he was staring into my soul and knew all of my secrets and flaws, yet still continued to love me. "So what are we?" I asked curiously awaiting for an answer. With a passionate kiss he answered. I guess we were dating, or friends with benefits. 

"I ship us." Hayes said while kissing me once again. "I do to." I said as he started kissing my neck. "Will you have the honor of being my girlfriend?" He said while looking into my eyes. "Yes." I said without hesitating, feeling completely overjoyed. I kissed his cheek and then we exchanged goodnights and he left my room. I guess he was going to sleep on the couch. 

Nash's P.O.V.

"Mom I'm going to Kat's house okay?" I said while unplugging my phone off the charger. "Sure, you can stay awhile, but tell Hayes to come back and freshen up." I nodded and then walked outside, it was really beautiful outside right now. I wonder how everything went last night. I bet they did something raunchy, Hayes and his nasty self. Haha, God Nash you're hilarious!

Wow, I talk to myself alot. 

As I get there I knock on the door and am greeted by Ms. Betsy. "Hi Nash! Are you here to see Katherine?" She asked, for it to be 10 in the morning she surely was an alive woman. "Yes, if thats okay with you." I said while smiling. She gestured me to come in and I saw Hayes and Kat curled up on the couch watching morning cartoons, I think. 

"Ayee little bro!" I said while sitting down beside Hayes on the couch. "What are you doing here Nashy?" Katherine asked while giggling. " I came here to stay, oh and Hayes mom says to go to the house and freshen up." I replied, putting air quotes when saying freshen up. "Okay." He said cheerfully. Cheerfully? Something must've happened last night. "Byeee!" Katherine squeled and then gave him a big hug. Awh, these lovebirds all mushy and shit. I will be forever alone, or forever avaliable. "See you guys later!" He said and then said goodbye to Ms. Betsy. He carefully closed the door and he was then gone.

"Haha Nashy stop!" Kat said while trying to catch her breathe, we were currently in a tickle fight and I think I had pretty much won. "Thank you!" She huffed out, while catching her breathe. "So you and Hayes, huh?" I asked casually. "What do you mean?" She said seriously. "Are you guys, ya know, dating?" I asked, hoping she would say yes because they're really adorable together. "Well, he asked me last night and I said yeah." She replied, "But can we keep it between me and you for now?" She asked, of course I wouldn't tell. "Yes." I said and then gave her a big Nash hug. "Well I should get going its almost 7. I'll tell Hayes you said hey." I said and then hugged her once again. "Thank you Nash, for everything." She yelled as I walked out of the door.






[I wanna Nash hug, don't you?]

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