Past? What Past! Part7

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"Woah, back up," interrupted Harry. "What's going on? Who's 'he' and what the hell has happened!" There was a moment of silence when no one spoke and Becca and I just looked at each other. Then Harry tentatively asked: "are you in a girl Mafia group in Scotland?"

"Yes," I said, "yes we are. Shh, don't tell anyone." Becca and I exploded into raucous giggles and trying to contain them with our hands, rather like we were trying to prevent vomit from flying out of our mouths whilst people were about (gross comparison, I know, but it's the best I can do).

"Are you here on a drugs thing?" Harry whispered knowledgeably, nodding his head, trying to convince us that this was the right answer. "Getting your 'stuff' from the English girl Mafia Group based here, in Devon?"

"You can't tell ANYONE," Becca whispered. "Not a soul. Otherwise..." she trailed off, placing her finger at one side of her neck and dragging it over to the other side, implying certain death if Harry told anyone about our 'secret'. Harry gulped audibly. Then he thought of something that cheered him up instantly.

"My girlfriend is a gansta!" he said, grinning. "That's sexy." Becca and I were trying so hard to contain our laughs. How could Harry be so incredibly trusting and, to be honest, just a tiny bit silly? Girl Mafia? Me? Good joke, like! "Wait," Harry ordered, holding up a hand. "Are you two serious."

"Deadly," I told him, striving to keep a straight face, but failing miserably. Becca and I looked at each other and I couldn't contain my laugh any longer. It burst forth, exploding from me like a party popper. Erupting from my mouth like a volcano. Damn, I'm good with imagery!

I looked back at Harry, saddened to find a disappointed, shocked and tearful look on his face.

"I can't believe you'd lie to me about something so important, Abi," he said quietly, not meeting my eye. "I thought we had a better relationship than that."

Wow, this is dude is MEGA serious! Less than half an hour of dating, and he's talking about the strength of our relationship - man, this guy is crazy. Or maybe Potter is insecure in relationships... curious...

"Sorry, Potter," I sighed, pulling him into a hug, utterly ashamed of myself. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything. It's just... I'm not good with relationships, but I want this to work out! I've got a past, and it's not a very nice, pleasant past. It's not a story you read to a child before they go to bed, put it that way."

"But that's not the REAL reason she's not telling you about her past. Is it, Abs?" Becca interrupted. I turned to glare at her. Becca's smile widened and she continued. "Abi won't tell you because she thinks you'll bail like every other guy in Dunbar did after he heard the story. Admittedly, they heard it from Cal and so the truth was bent to serve his evil purpose, but Abi is being plain stupid!" She directed the last part at me. "Harry's not like those chavs and geeks and gimps back home. He's different - he's nice, kind, cute and cares about your well being. Tell him, babe."

I smiled ruefully at Becca, glad for the brutal advice. "See you around, Bee," I said, grabbing Harry and walking him back to school. Harry didn't bother to ask what was going on. He seemed to realise I was going to tell him something really important and he shouldn't interrupt, otherwise I might change my mind. On my way back to school, I kept thinking of ways to tell Harry what my past was like in Dunbar, and I was also praying that Harry understood and accepted me.

"Is it okay with you if we ditch school?" I asked as we approached Bernie.

"Whatever you need babe. I'll need to text Liam to tell him I won't need a lift. I nodded in approval and opened my little yellow Beetle door. Harry got in the passenger side, but remained quiet, tapping away on his phone. I let out a deep sigh and started the car engine, pulling out of the parking space and heading towards the outskirts of town and to this amazing place that I knew. Once we got there, Harry looked about him and gasped in awe. "How did you find this place?" He asked in amazement.

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