Lazy Day

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You slowly awoke to the sounds of chirping birds and the first rays of sunshine shining through the window blinds. You sighed as your eyes drifted toward the clock at your bedside, it read 12:09 pm. Figuring that it was about time to get up you started to slide out of bed only for a muscled arm to wrap themselves around your waist and tighten to pull you closer to a warm, muscular chest.

"Stay." A husky voice, filled with sleep, mumbled from behind you, sending shivers down your spine in the most delicious ways.

"It's already noon."

"Please stay." The arm around your waist moved and soon a hand started to caress your sides lovingly and gently.

"Aren't you hungry?" You asked. You felt soft lips kiss your neck, moving down to your shoulder and you sighed in bliss.

"You must be starving by now." There was a deep rumble from behind you, the sound close to a purr as the man you loved continued to kiss you and caress your sides.

"I just want to lay here with you." He mumbled, his gruff voice sending desire coursing through your body and settling between your legs.

"Don't you want to train?" There was no real fight in your voice, you were already sold for the idea of just laying in bed with your man. Said man grabbed your waist gently, holding you there as he began to grind his hips into yours. You gasped at the feeling of his hardened cock rubbing against your backside, his pleasured groans making you soak through your underwear.

"No." Was the only thing he said as he continued to kiss, caress and grind.

"Mmm..." You let a moan slip from your parted lips as you began to move your hips in sync with his, intensifying the pleasure for the both you. The hand that was caressing your sides slowly came up to massage one of your breasts, his lips kissing over a mark he left a few weeks ago.

"Mmm... Vegeta... " Your desire got the best of you, your moans and gasps filling the room. You raised your hand so that it rested on his own massaging your breasts. He sighed in pleasure, loving the feel of your body pressed up against his.

"I love you Y/N." He groans as his cock grew harder, his desire for you was strong and the only thought going through his mind was that he wanted you and he wanted you now.

"I love you too Vegeta... ah.. " You gasp as Vegeta stops massaging your breast in favor of lifting your nightgown. He then turns you onto your back with him hovering about you, looking down at you with lidded eyes full of desire.

Time skip

You and Vegeta were a tangled mess of blankets and limps. Your head rested on his chest as he rested his eyes and held you close. You looked behind you at the clock which read 2:34 pm, figuring that now was the time to get up but you couldn't once you felt Vegeta's arm tighten around you once more.

"Are we going to follow the same process like earlier? Because you know I won't mind having another go." You playfully slap his chest, resulting in his chuckling and looking at you.

"Vegeta I know for a fact you are starving right about now." You watched as a mischievous look came upon his features and he smirked.

"Starving for you." He said in your ear with his husky voice, making your womanhood tingle with excitement and you blushed.

"So what's it going to be Y/N, stay here with me or do you need some more convincing?" now you took on a more mischievous look and you smiled seductively.

"Hmm, I don't know Vegeta I think I may need some more convincing. " He smirked and soon you both were at it again under the covers.

*Remember I will take requests*

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