We Are Not Enemies

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This was a request from  a friend of mine on Archive for our own. KaylaNance I should have yours finished soon.

First Encounter ...

You were just heading over to the mall when two giant pods came crashing down onto the building you were just about to enter. You felt lucky as you watched the people who survived the crash come running out the destroyed mall, coughing and cradling their injuries. You hide behind some debris when you hear the doors to the pods open, you watch as two muscular men step out. They looked about ready to kill everyone here and you couldn't help but shiver in anticipation. One of the men were tall and brolic, having that sick smile on his face as he examined the group of people before him. The other one was much smaller but just as brolic, having a much meaner face than the other with just a blank expression.

Out of the blue the smaller one in white and gold armor lifted his hand, a golden orb forming at the base of his palm, aiming it at the people. Your E/C eyes widen in shock and without thinking you rushing forward and blocked the man's aim, your arms stretched out on either side of you as your eyes shined with determination.

"Out of the way human!" He spoke, his husky deep voice reaching your ears. It was a nice sound but you ignored that thought for now.

"No. I will not just stand by and let you kill these people." That seemed to get him mad and he lowered his hand. He appeared in front of you, he having moved so fast that your human eyes couldn't catch his movements. You couldn't help but flinch back a little bit when you looked into his furious onyx eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that... You said you will NOT let me, a Prince, do as I please?" You swallowed and nodded, your E/C eyes looking into his with defiance even though you knew he could kill you easily.

"That is correct... I don't care how strong you are or what you are... as long as I'm alive I will not stand for innocent people dying." The man seemed surprised by this and stepped back in shock before anger took over his features and he lifted his hand again to your face, this time a purple orb forming. You stood there in both fear and shock. You closed your eyes in anticipation, wondering briefly if it would be painful or fast but it never came. You cracked one eye open, looking to see the Prince smiling slightly.

"What are you smiling at?" He shrugs and lowers his hand.

"Your defiance is amusing. Do you have any idea how easy I could have killed you?" You nod, not sure of what to say to this weeaboo anymore.

"And yet you still stood there... " He studies you with his amazing eyes, You wondering what he is exactly.

"Well I must be heading now, Nappa!"

"Yes Vegeta?" You internally cringe at the bigger man's voice, it certainly didn't match his bulk.

"Where are we headed?" Nappa shows the Prince his scouter and the Prince nods before looking back at you. He rolls his eyes at you before blasting off into the sky, Nappa not far behind.

You stand there looking at the spot where the Prince had been standing at, wondering what if Yamach yet again pulled a prank on you or if you were just going crazy.

Second encounter...

"Oh come on Bulma, I'm sure Yamcha will get the hint eventually."

"You don't understand Y/N, he's just so fucking oblivious... a girl gets tired of waiting you know." You sigh through your nose. 'Only because you like to rush things and expect everyone to fall at your feet like some sort of princess!' You think to yourself as you help Bulma clean up her lab, which was a mess of unorganized papers and autoparts for some new machine she was working on.

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