You've Done Enough

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Your Pov

I couldn't help but wince at the shrill yelling coming from the other room. They yelled at one another, screaming insults in hopes of hurting the other's feelings. I could hear the sound of glass breaking in the room and I couldn't help but think that this was their worst argument yet. I was currently standing outside, staring at the setting Sun. I still can't believe I could here them all the way from here but I could and I didn't like what she was saying about him.

She spoke about how he was such a deadbeat of a father that he put his own training before his family, how his only goal in life was to surpass Goku instead of taking care of his own son and I guess that was all true, long ago. See, me and Vegeta have developed a bond, a strong one that cannot be broken. This bond was developed when Bulma had first invited me to one of her parties, where I had attended and met her husband Vegeta. From there we sort of hit it off. We would spar, playfully argue with one another about nonsense. We became best friends but soon I started developing feelings for him, feelings that have become so strong that not even Goku could beat it. Along the time we've spent together, I have learned things about him, things that nobody would have known about. He was a sweet guy, a man who has been abused both mentally and emotionally throughout his life. He may put up a front and act like he could care less about anyone around him but I know better, I know that Vegeta loves his son dearly and I know that he has a respect for Bulma because she had bared his child. As far as love goes, he doesn't feel that way anymore.

As the yelling and screaming continued, I just sighed through my nose as my tail flicked back and forth lazily.

Time Skip-> Still your pov

I perked up at the sound of the door opening, looking over I see Vegeta come storming out of Capsule Corp, his face showed how he was feeling. Bulma came out soon after, chasing after him all the while pleading with him to stop. I watched as she managed to catch up with him and placed her hand on hit shoulder. He whirled around, his vicious snarl reaching my ears.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Bulma flinched at his booming voice. I have never heard him yell like that before... well until today that is.

"Vegeta please... "

"HOW DARE YOU BETRAY ME!" My eyes widened at that... what did he mean by betrayed? I tried not to believe what conclusions my mind conjured up. I just couldn't bring myself to believe it, Bulma may be many things but I doubt she was a cheater.



"YES! You are always gone, training or fighting... I get lonely and I HAVE NEEDS!" Vegeta took on a look of shock, a look that melted into such unyielding rage that I flinched internally. There was a blinding light suddenly that engulfed Vegeta before it was gone just as quickly. Once my eyes adjusted again, I saw that Vegeta looked completely different. His hair was longer, his skin was red and he appeared to have a tail again.

"Oh... my... Kami... " I whispered to myself as I watched the ssj4 Vegeta in astonishment.

"You dare blame me for your own sins?" Vegeta asked with such a calm voice. It was the type of calm that told just me something bad was going to happen.

"N-No..." I rushed over to the two, when I saw Vegeta raise his hand, a yellow orb forming. As I passed him my tail came up to rub against his, instantly catching his attention. I stood before him, easing his arm down as my tail continued to caress his. Bulma was behind me the whole time but my focus was on calming Vegeta down. I raised my hand up to his face so that I could caress his cheek, slowly so that he won't think I'm a threat. I looked into his eyes, showing no fear and soon his hard glare melted to a softer gaze.

"(Y/N)?" His voice was just below a whisper, soft but husky and it sent sparks through my veins in a good way.

"Yeah, It's me Vegeta. I need you to do something for me okay?"

"Anything." Soon his tail started to caress mine back, sending jolts of pleasure up my spine.

"I need you to calm down okay?" I ran my fingers through his thick, long hair, hearing him hum in contentment as he closed his eyes briefly in response. Just then I felt Goku's energy approaching us.

"Hey guy... WOAH is that Vegeta?" I simply nodded and continued to pet Vegeta. Soon he returned to his standard level, he opened his eyes slowly. His gaze shifted to Bulma who was still behind me and growled before blasting off.

"(Y/N)... I'm s... " I lifted my hand to silence her, looking over my shoulder to glare at her.

"Quiet Human, You've done enough." With that I walked away. Goku looked between me to her and then decided to followed me.

"What happened?" I shook my head and sighed.

"I'll tell you on the way." He nodded and we continued to walk in silence to my cabin, where I knew Vegeta was waiting for me.

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