The Way and The DesirePart One

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This was for one of my friends over on Archive For Our own.

You jerked awake to the sound of your alarm going off, filling the once peaceful atmosphere with the opposing sound. You blindly reached for your phone, not having feeling like lifting your head from your comfy pillow. After what felt like an hour of helpless searching you finally feel the rubbery material of your F/C case. You then lift your head, your tired E/C eyes reading the time and nearly widening as dinner plates once you realize one main important thing. You were extremely late.

Jumping out of your bed, you rush into the bathroom so that you could take a quick shower. You brush your teeth and brush your H/L H/C hair before grabbing your outfit and getting dressed. After you are dressed you grab your phone, grab your keys and bolt out the door, locking up your apartment and heading out the building.

You were walking when you felt your phone buzz. You pull out your phone and see a message from your boss Vegeta. You open your phone, clicking the message and reading it.

8:36am Vegeta; Where are you? Did you sleep through your alarm again? You know that I will not go to this meeting without you by my side right?

Your cheeks get a tint of red as you read the message. You loved how Vegeta would get concerned about you and ask you questions. It was something not many people did for you in your life.

8:39am Y/N; I'm sorry, you know me so well veggie. I'll be there in three, I'm almost to the lobby.

8:41am Vegeta; Okay, see ya then.

You smiled and with a pep in your step, speed walked down the street toward your workplace.

Time Skip

You walk through the front glass doors of your work place. Walking up to Vegeta who was waiting patiently for you. He gave you a small smile, one that was only reserved for you to see before getting up from his seat and reaching a hand out. You take his hand and you two perform a secret handshake that was created back when you two first thought of this company. Tien and Krillin both smile at the two of you, elbowing each other before going back to their duties.

"Thought you'd leave me to die in there Y/N." You smile as you and Vegeta start walking to the elevator that was located in the large lobby.

"Of course I wouldn't leave you to do this by yourself, how could you think that I would do such a horrible thing to you?" Your voice was playfully light, holding a sense of sarcasm. He smiled again as you two got in the elevator, pressing the button to the third floor.

"So what's this meeting about anyway?" You ask. You watch Vegeta take out his phone, tapping the screen a few times before reading it out loud.

"It's about some weaboo trying to buy the company again." You laugh and place a hand on his shoulder. The door rings a bell, signaling that you have arrived at your destination. The both of you step out, walking to the room where the meeting was being held. He looks at you, giving you a look that said "I really don't want to do this again". It was his usual look whenever a meeting required him to be present. You would always laugh at this expression and put on your innocent face when you both entered any meetings. Just like how you were doing it now.

"Ah finally, I was just about to call this meeting off. You would have missed out on a good deal." You see Vegeta roll his eyes and take a seat closest to the door, you taking a seat near him.

"I somehow doubt that but carry on, I have other things to take care of today." You internally sigh, this man was always trying to come up with ways on why Vegeta should sell the company over to him. He was always making up excuses as to why the company would be better off with him in charge but Vegeta always blew him off because he knew that nobody could ever run this company the way he can.

"In conclusion, This clothing lines income would sky rocket with our companies combined." He looked at Vegeta expectantly, waiting for his answer but you already knew his answer, it was always the same.


"No?... but our companies... "

"I refuse to join my company with the likes of yours. You are unsuccessful and you have a pretty bad history of going bankrupt in many of your other stores. That being said, I don't want your company's name on my list." You wanted to laugh at Yamcha's expression, it was priceless. Vegeta motioned for you to follow him as he headed out of the room.

"You're hilarious Veggie." He just smiled as you continued to laugh quietly. He walked you to your desk that was located a few feet from his office.

"I'll see you later Y/N." You nod and get situated at your desk, turning on your laptop and getting to work.

A few hours later, everyone was filling out of the place one by one, clocking out and heading home. You stayed although you were allowed to leave. You stayed because being with Vegeta made you feel wanted and special. Made you feel like you were useful for something, that you were doing something right for once.

You have always been in love with Vegeta. Ever since you two became friends in Freshman year of high school, you two were inseparable. You did everything together, you worked out together, played sports together and even studied for upcoming tests. He would always show up at your house and force you to leave to hang out with him because he didn't want to be left alone with the others. It was at college when you finally realized that what you felt for him was love.

"Y/N, come in here please!" You jump out of your thoughts and head over to Vegeta's room, opening the door and expecting to see the carefree expression you always see when he looks at you but instead you see a serious face.

"You okay?" He shakes his head and you knew that this was something serious. You take a seat and look at him, waiting for the news.

"Another company called me today.. ."

"Okay, that's great. What did they offer?" Vegeta sighed and clasped his hands together.

"The father of the company offered for our companies to combine to help the economy of both companies." You nod, smiling and taking a sigh of relief.

"That's excellent, what is the company about?"

"They make work our machines and I feel that it would be better for us to join since this place makes clothing for that. It will definitely raise the stakes... but... " You didn't like the sound of that.

"But?... " This time Vegeta looked at you.

"He said he will only do it if I agree to an arranged marriage with his daughter.... "

"Are you going to agree to the terms?" He didn't answer right away but when he did you knew by the look in his eyes that you weren't going to like his answer.


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