New home, New Chances with Love Part two-Finale

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Sorry that I haven't updated for a while. I know that you guys read this story and look forward to updates so sorry for that. Anyway here you go, hope you guys like it.

AwesomeSaibotGirlGmr Hope you like it

You were borderline freaking out right about now as you frantically looked through your dresser for decent clothes. You didn't know what to where, didn't know if you had anything worth wearing for your date with Vegeta today. The thought made you want to just sit down and give up but you weren't that type of woman/man so you continue to look through your countless amounts of clothes. You look at the time and realize that you only have two hours to get ready.

"Fuck... " You sigh and quickly pick out a black dress that only had one sleeve and hugged your curves. You then put on a little eyeliner and some red lipstick before brushing your hair. You look at yourself in your mirror, sighing with a worried expression. You didn't know if this outfit would be enough to please Vegeta but you reminded yourself that it was only a first date and there may be plenty more if tonight went well. You nod to yourself, getting up and walking over to pick out some shoes. You settled for the simple black flats, you slipped into them and suddenly jumped when you heard a loud knock on your door.

"The hell...?" You walk over and open the door, almost passing out from the sheer beauty that stood before you. There Vegeta stood, in black pants and a blue dress shirt complete with a bouquet of roses. A fairly dark blush tainted your cheeks as you took the roses and smelt them.

"I love them." You say as you walk back into your apartment and continue to cut the ends of the roots and place them in a vase of water.

You walk back to Vegeta, feeling a familiar sense of nervousness clawing at your conscious. Vegeta smiles softly at you before gently grabbing your hand and leading you outside where he proceeded to lift into the air.

"Wait Vegeta... I don't..."

"Oh C'mon Y/N, I know you do. You're a Saiyan and I know you were not raised here." You sighed loudly, he got you. He knew your secret and now you had no choice... there was no point in hiding it now. You look into his onyx eyes which held a fiery determination that made you want to melt but you didn't. Yes you were a Saiyan but you didn't like to fight unless you had to, and you didn't have to fight since that time where the Namekians had shown up to take over the world.

"See that's it, knew you had it in ya." Once you were in the air, Vegeta grabbed your hand and lead you to a forest like area. Your breath was taken away at the sight. The stars shined brightly along with the moon, the trees glowing with the beautiful light, the breeze nice and comfortable.

"It's beautiful Vegeta... " You hear him chuckle behind you as you both land on the ground, the sound making you want to purr with delight.

"Took a lot of effort, shall we?" You nod and both of you take a seat on the large luxurious cloth on the ground.

Time Skip- After the date...

"I had a great time Vegeta." You look up at him as he looks at you. You both stare into each others eyes as you think about the night you just had. Vegeta had been so nice to you, making you smile and keeping you entertained. You both had eaten a nice meal, a meal he had caught and cooked by himself. After you both had eaten and relaxed you both had a sparring match, which he had won but you put up a fight. You learned that he was the Prince of your whole race and that your race was severely endangered due to Frieza. After that he led you home, where you both were right now.

"I'm glad heh... was nervous that you wouldn't like it or I made a fool out of myself." You chuckle at his silliness and raise to your tippy toes to kiss him full on the lips. His eyes widened before closing, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer. You pulled away after a while, caressing his face gently before wishing him a goodnight and heading into your apartment. After a few minutes Vegeta shook his head and smiled softly, walking back to his apartment.

"Night, my Princess." He muttered to himself, still smiling as he entered his apartment.

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