He who fights for my beautiful heart part four- Incoming heat

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Sorry for the prolonged update. I've decided that the chapter after this one will be the last but don't worry my dear friends! I plan to make another short stories book with the either of the following characters.

Kakashi Hatake

Leon S. Kennedy

Mike Zacharias

Sasuke Uchiha

Vergil Sparda

I've also decided to leave it up to you guys to vote to see who gets picked to be the next character I write. I will consider all votes until June 21st, 2017, the highest voted character is the one who will be picked next.

I also want to thank you all for your support throughout this whole book, I really appreciated the comments and votes ^.^ They really made my day and inspired me to continue writing. I can't believe this book had reached 2.3k views and 164 votes. I'm satisfied with the outcome and I'm glad I was able to make you all happy with each chapter. Hopefully the next book will make you all happy as well.

Few months later...

You were laying down on the sofa in the house you and Vegeta now shared. You were busy reading a book, swinging your feet slowly in the air as you read on your stomach. You turn the page, noticing that you were on the last chapter when you heard Goku yelling out for Vegeta to stop. Most likely Vegeta was being the overly prideful prince again and overdoing it.

You sigh and close your book, not after placing your bookmark on the page you were on for later and got up. Your summer dress flowed as you walked toward the door and opened it, revealing a angry Vegeta and a very frightened Goku as well as a confused but amused Whis.

"Ah Whis, nice to see you again. What brings you here?" You ask as you walk up to him, not caring that you were bare footed and walking on grass. You Aquorians were naturists, preferring to go bare foot was one of the many things you thought was a flaw but something Vegeta had always loved about you. Whis smiles upon seeing you, placing a hand on your shoulder as you bowed your head, a sign of greeting the two species shared.

"My pleasure Y/N, I came to see these two and how their training was coming along the last time we had met."

"And how are they doing?"

"Well they are pretty strong now than they were before, especially Vegeta. I suppose he took my advice on not to overthink his actions and just act on instinct, I could barely tell it was Vegeta at all with the way his power Ki has changed. However, I am very displeased to see that these two refuse to get along well... more like Vegeta refuses to get along with Goku." You nodded in understanding as you turned to see the two spar with each other. You had to agree that it was quite annoying and overwhelming to see that even after all the years the two have known each other, that Vegeta still has some grudge against Goku.

"Don't worry Whis, I'm sure they'll reach that level of understanding sooner or later. Think of it as a book, there are many chapters you have to read through before you reach the end and receive your answers. It's the same with Vegeta and his hatred for Goku, there are many obstacles Vegeta has to face before he can get over that hatred and get along with Goku." You say, your voice calm as you watched the fight. It was clear to you that Vegeta has gotten stronger than he was before. Thanks to his fierce determination and whis's hard training techniques, he was near close to surpassing Goku and in your opinion he already has in a couple of ways. His power Ki was different, one thing you knew for sure was that when a Saiyans power energy changed it meant that they were stronger and possibly meant that they had a new transformation. Another give away was that Vegeta was more confident of himself around Goku, something you had noticed before he even confessed to you about his insecurities about himself.

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