He Who Fights For My Beautiful Heart Part Two = Finding out the Truth

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Sorry that I deleted this chapter, the person who requested this plot wasn't satisfied and so I offered to delete it and rewrite it. Here you go, a rewritten version that's arguably better. Let me know what you think and I'm still taking requests.

Vegeta awoke the next morning, sniffing the air and letting out a pleasant groan as the aroma of freshly baked biscuits and bacon filled his nostrils. He sat up, stretching his arms over his head before rolling his neck. He felt the muscles in his neck pop satisfyingly, getting out of bed and walking to his bathroom.

After his morning routine was done, Vegeta exits the bathroom and pulls on his normal spandex suit. He walks out his room once he fixes his bed, going straight for the kitchen where he was assaulted with the best breakfast smells. He walks in and see's Chi Chi at the stove, looking over he also sees the whole Son family there as well. Goku is the first to notice him and he smiles his infamous Goku smile.

"Hey Vegeta!"

"Morning." Vegeta says as he walks over to the fridge and grabs his water bottle. Chi Chi smiles over at him.

"Bulma said she had some work that needs improvement so that's why she isn't here if you were wondering."

"That woman is always somewhere but where she needs to be." Vegeta grumbles and walks out, muttering a "No thank you," to her food. He wasn't hungry anymore, having heard his wife's name made him lose his appetite. He heads over to the Gravity machine, setting it to his preferred settings and starts training. It was about six hours later when Goku came in and interrupted his training.

"What do you want Kakarot?" Goku smiles his cheeky smile.

"Just seeing how you were doing best buddy!" Goku exclaims happily, pressing the off button on the gravity machine. Vegeta breathed heavily, glaring at Goku as he grabbed his towel and water bottle.

"What's you deal Kakarot, I was busy training you know?!" Goku just shrugged and smiled.

"My family is over for dinner tonight and I wanted you to be there. Bulma and Chi Chi are cooking in the kitchen now."

"Wait what time is it?"

"It's already three in the afternoon. Man you must have been really upset to lose track like that." Vegeta just sighs and nods toward Goku as he heads out into the open, heading into the building and to his room to take a shower before dinner. Goku enters after, sitting next to his son Gohan and watched his other youngest sonGoten play with Trunks. Vegeta came down soon after, taking his usual seat by the window.

"Do I have to do everything for you!?" Bulma yelled at Vegeta, making all the ones at the table, including Chi Chi, look at her weirdly. Bulma continued, slamming the pot of cooked vegetables on the table.

"All you ever do is sit there and look all high and mighty while the rest of us does all the work!"

"If you needed help you could have asked me!" By now the kids were in the living room, peaking around the corner and watching the fight progress.

"Oh because you couldn't see that me and Chi chi was in need of help!?"

"How was I supposed to know?!"

"Your eyes don't work!?"

"I only saw you two cooking, I didn't see any trouble!"

"Fuck you Vegeta, all you ever do is sit on that high horse of yours and look down upon everyone! Well here is a reality check for you! Your father is dead, you're only the fucking prince to one full blooded Saiyan and you will never, EVER surpass GOKU!!!" Goku, Chi Chi and Gohan gasped while Vegeta fumed with anger toward his wife. Gohan rushed Goten and Trunks to the purpled haired half breed's room, both kids taking shelter under Trunks bed.

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