Past & Future part 2

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*You are currently at the gym, on the bike. Here you go *

You sighed as you started to feel the burn in your calve and thigh muscles. You were trying to keep your focus on your task at hand but it proved near impossible because you could feel eyes on you, particularly burning onyx eyes of the sexy man in the corner, sitting on his mat while he waited for his friends to finish showering. He would often look at you before looking away, not wanting to get caught staring at you.

Unbeknownst to you, the mysterious man thought that you were the most beautifullest thing he has ever lay eyes upon. Once he noticed you come through the doors, his heart rate had increased and he felt hot but he had dismissed it as if the workout was getting to him which it wasn't. Ever since then he couldn't refuse to look at you every so often.

You sigh out loud for the last time before you stopped the bicycle machine, grabbing your towel from the handle and heading to the girls bathroom. He watched you go, feeling dread that you were getting ready to leave. Feeling panic rise within him, he sprung to his feet and started to get his things ready. He already took a shower earlier, after his workout so he didn't need to take one until he got home. All that he needed to do was fix everything into his duffel bag and wait for the right opportunity to speak to you.

You enter the bathroom with your towel around your neck, entering a medium sized shower stall and locking the door. You hear a few girls exit their stalls, giggling about something or another. One thing in particular stands out to you as you clean yourself.

"Did you see how hot he was! Omg his muscles looked so delicious! Mmmm I can't wait to run my tongue over his chest and have my hands in his flamey hair!" You sigh loudly to yourself, feeling sad all of a sudden. You knew that a woman like you could never have a chance with a man like him. Despite all your time at the gym, you just couldn't get rid of the fat around your thighs and stomach, making you feel even more insecure now. Of course he wouldn't go for you, those girls were problem like models while you looks like you just recently gave birth despite it being 5 years since you gave birth to S/N. Sighing you turned off the water and grabbed another towel provided on the shelf next to you, drying yourself before you reached into your bag and pulled out a pair of F/C sweatpants and black tank top. You change into a clean pair of underwear and bra before pulling on your clothes. You put on your shoes, placing everything in your bag before leaving the stall. The girls look at you as you pass and one of them reach to catch your attention, you turn around and wait for their fat jokes but they don't come.

"How do you do it?" You look at them confused.

"How do you keep such a bagging body?" You look at the tallest girl with a start.


"Girl, I can't even workout two days out of the week without looking like a tree on crack! How do you keep your legs and ass so nice!" You figure this was the obnoxious one of the group but you just shrug your shoulders.

"I guess I just work out but eat whatever I want." Now you waited for the fat jokes but again they never came. Instead you heard intense squealing.

"Omg, I know who would be the perfect guy for you!" You shake your head and turn to leave but the smallest, more innocent looking one stops you.

"Why are you leaving?"

"No guy wants a woman with a child from another man." You turn to leave again but the girls surround you.

"Bullshit, with a banging body like that I'm sure any man will want to be apart of your family. A good, decent man would love to be a father and raise a family." Your heart fluttered with hope so you and the girls continued to talk about the one and only guy.

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