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"Mmm... hah... " Soft noises slip from your parted lips as your newly wed husband licked your womanhood passionately. His hands held your hips in place, preventing you from moving.

"Vegeta... " You sigh your husbands name in bliss, his warm tongue flicking against your clit, making you even more wet. You run your fingers in his thick hair, lightly scraping your nails across his scalp making him moan. His light moans vibrate throughout your entire being, sending pleasure to your core.

"Ah Vegeta!" You scream as your husband plunges his tongue into your warm cavern, wiggling it within your tight walls, tasting your sweetness. He couldn't get enough of your deliciously sweet taste, making him eager for more. You start to pull his hair as he fucks you with his tongue, turning you into more of a moaning mess than before.

"Vegeta... yes right there!" He groans in response, fucking you a little bit faster as your walls clench around his tongue. His tail flicks excitedly, showing his excitement of you pulling his dark locks.

"Fuck Vegeta... I'm gonna cum!" You felt the knot in your abdomen tighten with each lick and nibble, his ministrations bringing you closer to the edge. He didn't stop and you could have sworn that he intensified his actions upon hearing your words.

"Fuck yeah... Oh Vegeta I'm cumming!" You scream his name as you cum in his mouth. He licks up your juices, moaning at the intense sweetness that graces his taste buds. You lay on the bed, your body spasming every now and then from your climax. As you come down from your high, Vegeta moves away from your womanhood rather reluctantly and licked the rest of your juices from his lips, looking at you with half lidded eyes.

"You taste delicious love." Vegeta leans over you again and started to kiss his was up to your neck and nibbling the skin there. You moan and reach up, wrapping your arms around his neck and bringing him closer. You wrap your legs around his waist, trapping him there as you felt his hard cock through his boxers.

"Mmm." He moaned in your ear as you moved your waist in circular motions, rubbing your wet womanhood onto his clothed cock. You sigh and push him so that he's on his back with you on top, your S/C hands rest on his chest as you look down at him with your E/C eyes.

"Getting impatient are we?" He asked in his soft voice. You shivered and nodded while getting off.

"I waited months for this. These need to go." You say as your slim fingers tug at the hem of his boxers. You tug until his thick member springs upward in your face, licking your lips in anticipation. He looks at you with lidded eyes, waiting in excitement. You grab the base of his member into you small hand, his member so thick that your thumb couldn't meet your other fingers. His girth mad your womanhood throb with need. You dart your tongue out and lick the base all the way to his tip, you hear him sigh in pleasure and you look up to see him looking at you. You feel his hands move your H/L H/C hair out of your eyes, holding the strands in his fist gently as his other hand caresses your arm and neck. You wrap your lips around the head, sucking and licking the shaft. He moaned your name as you went further down, twirling your tongue around his shaft.

"Fuck Y/N... " You were driving him crazy with your teasing, your wet tongue lapping at his precum, making his cock slick and warm. Vegeta watched as his cock disappeared and reappeared as your mouth descended and ascended onto him, making it harder not to buck up into your mouth.

"Shit that feels amazing" He sighs and lets his head fall back onto the pillows as you continue you ministrations. You start to bop you head up and down faster, taking in more of him as you went until you just couldn't no more. Vegeta could feel the tightening knot in his abdomen, signaling that he was close to his climax.

"Mmm, Y/N I'm close... " You ignored him and moaned, sending a vibration throughout his entire body, pulling him closer to his limit.

"Fuck Y/N!" Vegeta came in your mouth, filling you up with tasty juices You swallow all of it, loving the taste of your husband. You suck until you milk him dry, moving away when he pulls on your hair gently. He looks at you with uncontrolled lust in his onyx eyes, making you even more wet. Before you knew it, you were on your back with your husband hovering over you. He leans down and kisses you sweetly, the both of you can taste each other one another's lips but it only intensifies the lust that surrounds you both. Once he pulls away, he looks down at you with those enchanting eyes of his, full of lust and want for you.

"I'm going to make you remember this night forever love." With that you felt his member gently poke at your entrance and soon you felt yourself being stretched open by him slowly entering you. It was like every nerve in your body, every sense in your body was on fire as he pumped in and out of you. You felt every muscle in his body shift as he thrusted, It was heaven for the both of you.

"Fuck Y/N you feel amazing." Vegeta moaned as he continued his gentle thrusts, It wasn't long before you were begging him to go faster, to pound you harder, to make him yours. Your husband was happy to oblige to your wishes and soon the bed banging against the wall filled the room along with your moans and his grunts. Suddenly he pulled out of you, making you feel empty and you whined on confusion.

"On all fours love." He smirked and you did as you were told, getting on your hands and knees and looking back at him expectantly. The look in your eyes made his cock throb harder and he wasted no time in entering you again, pounding away. The pleasure was too much for you and you found yourself landing on your elbows with your face on the pillows. You were reduced to a moaning mess once again.

"Mmm, Vegeta right there!"

"Ah yeah baby." Vegeta lost himself to his pleasure, pounding into you harder until the sound of skin slapping against skin was heard among the other noises. You felt the familiar tightening in you abdomen and your husband thrusted into your G-Spot, making it harder to resist you climax. With the way Vegeta's thrusts were turning erratic and how his muscles were tightening and cock twitching inside you, you could tell he wasn't too far away either.

"Fuck baby, I'm so fucking close... "You couldn't form coherent sentences so you settled for moans instead, the only things you could say were his name.

It wasn't long before the two of you were pushed over the edge, his cum filling you up once more, your juices mixing together.

He pulled out of you and layed down next to you. He pulled you to his chest and buried his nose into your hair, inhaling your scent.

"I love you Y/N." Your heart fluttered at his declaration and looked over to him and smiled sweetly.

"I love you to honey." He smiled at the nickname and rubbed his nose against yours, his little way of showing his affection for you.

You sigh and rest against his chest, his breathing soon evening out. You just couldn't believe that at one point in time Vegeta had come to Earth wanting the dragon balls so he could wish for his immortality and that he had intentions of blowing up the Earth but soon his intentions change once he meets you for the first time. You being a human fighter, you weren't very strong but your power level at the time had been 10 thousand, pretty strong for a human. You two had battled it out furiously before Goku had arrived, even though he kept knocking you down you kept standing right back up and attacked him again. He fell in love with your passion and anger, reminding him of himself when he was younger. Nevertheless, he had come back from Namik, looking for you. You two hit it off immediately, getting to know each other until you two became closer until he had asked for your permission to mate you and you said yes. He had performed the human ritual of marriage soon after and now you two are here, in a good place and you couldn't be happier.

You look over to your sleeping husband before getting comfortable and falling asleep, a smile on your face the whole time.

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