Past & Future Part 3

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"This is nice." You sigh as you lean into Vegeta's broad chest, looking at the T.V.but not really focusing on what was playing at the moment. Vegeta hums in response and pulls you closer by wrapping his arm around your waist.

"I agree, it's quiet without little me running around." You look at him and laugh. Since the moment you had introduced Vegeta to your son, those two were inseparable. Vegeta had taken to calling S/N j.r. While your son has taken to calling Vegeta dad on most occasions. You could only laugh when you would walk in on Vegeta and your son rough housing, with Vegeta pretending to be badly hurt and S/N laughing like an evil villain.

"Little me?" He just smiles at you, that genuine smile that is only there for you to see.

"Yeah. He's over at Chi Chi's right?" You nod and lean more closer to Vegeta, listening to his powerful heart beat. He plays with you H/L H/C hair, running his fingers through the strands and resting his chin onto your head. After a few moments of staring into the T.V. blankly, he reaches over and grabs the remote, turning the television off and leaning back into the sofa with you cuddled next to him.

"I'm so glad I met you Y/N." A blush crept onto your cheeks and you looked at him astonished.

"You are the best thing that could ever happen to me you know that?" He looks at you with such sincerity that you melted to a pile of fluff. You traced his chest muscles seductively with your index finger, looking up at him with a sweet, innocent smile.

"Is that so?" He nods. You watch as his eyes seems to change to that of a lustful one, one holding such desire and want that you feel yourself get wet.

"You want to know something?" You trace your finger to his neck before cupping his face. Vegeta pulls you closer, running his hand over your clothed thigh since you had your leg draped over his lap. You bring you face close to his and kiss him on the lips, lingering there for what felt like centuries before you pulled away slowly.

"You were the best thing to happen to me too. You showed me... proved to me that there are still good men out there." You look away and sigh. His eyes soften as he knew what you were referring too. You had told him of why you were a single mother and even though he didn't show it at the time he was still beyond furious that such a man could do that to you. Vegeta leans over and cups your face, making you look at him.

"You don't need to think about him anymore love, he was the stupid one to ever think that there will be a perfect woman like you." He smiled and kissed your lips, sighing through his nose at your sweet taste.

You lean back, bringing him closer to you as the both of you continue to kiss. It wasn't long before you two broke apart for air, Vegeta trailing kisses down your jawline to your neck and sucking on the skin there. You moan, feeling his big hands grab at your thighs gently, caressing you. You push at his shoulders, Vegeta rising to look at you confusingly.

"What's wro... "

"Bedroom. Bedroom right now." You don't give him a chance to answer since you crash your lips with his, muffling his surprise. Vegeta soon gets the message and wraps your legs around his waist as he holds you up. He carries the both of you up from the couch, his attention mostly on you.

Once you two are in the bedroom, he kicks the door shut. And thus you best night of your life with the man you love begins.

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