New home, New Chances with Love Part One

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Sorry that Ive been gone so long, Ive recently landed a job and I'm just working out the kinks and stuff. Sorry AwesomeSaibotGirlGmr if this is a sucky part.

If anyone can find a better picture that goes with this chapter better can you please send me a link?

Anyway this is for AwesomeSaibotGirlGmr.

You were exhausted from a hard day's work at your bakery. Today was a bit busier than usual and you had no idea why but even though it was tiring there were a few highlights. Such as a tall muscular man with black spiky, gravity defying hair and a small woman with straight black hair coming into your bakery. The man was the epitome of a kid in the candy store, his eyes roaming the sugar sweetness excitedly. Long story short, that man, who had introduced himself as Goku, had left the store with almost every pastry you had made from scratch, taking them by the dozens. He seemed satisfied in the end, his wife thanking you for being so kind. You had to close the show since Goku had bought everything but you had to stay and refill the display cases and remake everything so that there could be a full stock Thursday, after that you had left to your apartment.

Sighing in relief when the elevator doors opened to reveal your floor in which your apartment was located. As you walk toward your door you notice a letter attached to the door next to you, stating that the apartment was owned and that the owner would be moving in soon. You smiled, happy that you would have a new neighbor but also worried because you hoped it wasn't another weirdo.

"Please don't let it be another weird old man... " You mumble to yourself as you enter your home.

Time Skip...

You awoke to the sound of a male voice yelling out in the hallway, his voice was so loud you groaned.

"How can anybody be that cheerful in the morning?" You mumble to yourself, pulling on a robe as you head out into the hallway, ready to tell them to keep it down. However, once you get out you see the same man that sold out your shop yesterday, yelling something into the apartment next to you.

"Hey, You should put that over there! I would help but you told me to watch your stuff so... yeah!"

"Goku." He turns around at your deadpan voice, looking shocked and happy at the same time.

"Well hey bakery lady! Oh your sweets were delicious! I was actually going to come by for more later after I was done helping my buddy over here!" You rub your forehead.

"The bakery is closed today Goku." Sadness overtook his features and you felt guilty.

"Wait you ate all those sweets in one night?" He nods.

"How are you alive?" You ask, your tail swishing back and forth inside your robe curiously. He shrugs, looking back into the apartment when someone walks out. It was as if time seemed to slow down as the man in the apartment waltzed out, it all happened in slow motion. The way his onyx eyes glare at Goku before noticing you, softening at the sight of you.

"Well what do we have right here?" The newcomer said lowly, looking you up and down with pleased eyes. Goku elbowed him in the gut, taking his attention away from you and you were grateful. Being a female Saiyan in front of such a muscular man made her insides tingle with desire and she had to wonder if he was also Saiyan.

"Hey Vegeta, that's the lady I told you about yesterday. The one that let me buy all those sweets!" Vegeta growled.

"You fool ,you're going to catch diabetes one day and not even Future Trunks will be able to save you." Goku whined and you just had to chuckle at his behavior, he was just as silly as he was back at your store. Vegeta looked back at you when your chuckle reached his ears and he had to will his tail from unwrapping from his waist and swaying back and forth. You definitely were a beautiful woman that he'd had the pleasure of coming across and he just had to wonder if you were Saiyan.

"You're my new neighbor?" you watch as Vegeta nodded. Goku was watching the interaction between both of you intently, smiling when an idea popped up into his head.

"Hey Y/N? Can you help Vegeta with the rest of his stuff? I just remembered that Chi Chi wants me home to help Gohan train." You nod as Goku takes off, leaving you and Vegeta alone together. Vegeta continued to look at you with his intense eyes, making you squirm a little.

"Yes?" You ask, your voice holding the concern. Suddenly he smirked and motioned toward his stuff.

"You wanna help me or are you going to stand there and look pretty? I really don't mind which." You blushed a little, bending down to grab a few boxes near you and heading into his home.

"Just leave them somewhere." You placed the boxes next to the other, much bigger ones. He came in next, holding way more boxes than you could ever carry. Your mouth suddenly became very moist as your E/C eyes gazed upon his bulging muscles. He came over to you, placing his boxes next to yours and that's when your sensitive nose caught a whiff of his scent. It made you shudder, he smelt of hard work and woods, a nice and relaxing scent in your opinion.

Time Skip...

After another three hours you were finished. You had helped him situate all his belongings which is why it took so long for the both of you. You were about to leave when you felt a warm, large hand grip your wrist gently. You snap your head back to see your handsome neighbor looking back at you with, looking worried.

"Yes? Is there something wrong?" You ask uncertain.

"Um... I wanted to ask... would you... would you uh... " You were so confused. How could a man like Vegeta be so worried about something? Vegeta took a deep breath before looking at you with determination in his onyx eyes.

"I wish to take you out." You considered yourself a person able to hide their emotions well but with the way he said it, it made your skin tingle and a shiver traveled down your spine.

"Like on a date?" He nods, the worry returning to his eyes. You smile a small, gentle smile, looking at him happily.

"I'd love to." You watch as relief floods his features, making you smile a little wider.

"Does Friday afternoon sound good to you?" You nod.

"Sounds fine, have a good night Vegeta." He nods as you walk back to your apartment.

Time Skip...

It was finally Thursday, almost to the weekend and then you can have your date with Vegeta. You were humming to yourself when you hear the bell on the oven ding, signalling that the cupcakes you had in there are finished. You pull on your mittens and open the oven, pulling out the cupcakes and setting them on the rack next to you so they could cool down. Just as you were removing your mittens, you hear the bell on the front door jungle.

"Hey Y/N?!" You sigh, knowing exactly who it was that was here to destroy your bakery again.

"Hey Goku, what can I get you today?" You greet, stopping in surprise once you see Vegeta there.

"Hey Vegeta, what can I help you with today?" Vegeta gives you a small smile which only makes you blush and Goku smile. He already knew that both of you were interested in one another, he noticed the spark between you and Vegeta when you both looked at each other. With that thought in mind Goku smiled happily, already forming a plan.

"Can I get your cupcakes again?" You smile and nod.

"One of each?" Goku nods happily and you look at Vegeta.

"And you?"

"I'm good sweetheart, I'll wait until Friday." You blush a deep red and scurry your way into the kitchen where all your cupcakes were cooling down. You grab one of each, decorating them and placing them gently inside a the box. Tieing a knot around the box with string and taping the edges for good measure. You walked back to the cashier area, handing the box over to Goku, whose eyes seemed to sparkly with childish excitement.

"Wow thanks Y/N! Here, keep the change." Goku hands you over a couple of hundred Zeni. Your eyes widened in shock.

"Goku this is more than enough, please take it." He shook his head.

"No you keep it, I have all that I need here. Have a great day!" You look at Vegeta who just shrugs. You give him a small smile, one he returns immediately before following Goku out of your shop. You just shake your head and continue your work for the rest of the day.

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