He Who Fights For My Beautiful Heart Part Three = Reunited.

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Hey sorry for such a long wait, I've been dealing with some issues and didn't want those issues interfering with my writing. Enjoy and comment down below, letting me know what you think :D

"Stay away from it!" Yamcha yells as Piccolo and Krillin land a few feet away.

"What's going on here?" The namekian asks as he looks at the new pod in the middle of Bulma's yard. Bulma didn't know what to say, did she just tell them that this thing just happened to crash in her front yard and the the doors opened by itself? That would make her sound crazy.

"We have no clue, this pod just crashed here!" Yamcha yells as he keeps Bulma behind him. Trunks had run off to play with his toys, oblivious to what was happening.

"Wait... where's Vegeta?" Krillin asks, looking around and noticing that the brute Saiyan wasn't there. Piccolo notices then to that Vegeta's Ki energy seems far away, way too far to get a clear reading on exactly where he was at.

"He's too far to get a clear reading on his whereabouts." Piccolo mumbles, eyes moving to watch Yamcha. His suspicions were already high and about when Goku arrived.

"Hey guys! What do we have here?" He asks, his eyes going straight to the space pod.

"Another Saiyan?!" Goku examines the pod, although it had a different design he believed another Saiyan had arrived. However that wasn't the case when he began to feel a strange energy.

"Uh... am I the only one that feels that?" Krillin asks, backing away as something began to move inside the pod. Piccolo shakes his head, starting to back away from the increasing power level.

"Hold on Guys, Imma go get Vegeta." With that Goku touched his forehead with two fingers, disappearing and reappearing with a very unusually feisty Vegeta. The prince snatched his arm out of Goku's grip before looking at the new found energy level. It was then that his eye's widen with surprise and another emotion nobody could decipher yet. He rushed to the opening of the pod, ignoring everyone's worried calls of warning. Vegeta reached in, picking up something in his arms and returning to the open space of the yard where he placed the battered body onto the ground.

"Who is that?.. What is that?" Yamcha asks in disgust, looking at the person on the ground.

"Shh shut it Yamcha." Goku says sternly, his face serious.

Vegeta ignored everybody's questions, looking upon the person's face and gently moving their hair out of their eyes. His heart fluttered, it was definitely them.

"Y/N?" He called softly, looking at your beautiful face with an unknown emotion in his eyes. Goku walked up next to him, squatting down and seeing your battered face be caressed by Vegeta. He looked over at Vegeta, an emotion he never seen Vegeta show before in his life in Vegeta's eyes.

"Who are they Vegeta?" Goku asked softly.

"And old friend of mine." Was all that the prince said, picking you up in his arms and going to the infirmary.

Time Skip...

"Y/N?... Y/N wake up..." You groan, slowly opening your E/C eyes. You soon regret it when you eyes are assaulted by the bright lights of the ceiling.

"Y/N?" A voice calls out, deep and smooth as it called out your name. A hand soon came to caress your face gently, almost lovingly as it moved your face away from the light and too a blurry figure stationed next to your bed. The image was blurry, all you were able to make out was the spiky black hair and skin color.

"Wh.. who are...?" You weren't able to speak though, your throat too scratchy and dry from underuse. A cup of something is then pushed against your lips gently, you hesitating only makes the figure chuckle softly.

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