Prom Night Heaven

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I hope you like it CocoaOtaku89

I tried really hard with it so I hope you enjoy :D

F/N- Friends Name

I also added yours and Vegeta's outfits.

"I don't know what to wear!" You exclaim in exasperation as you rummage through your clothes. Your friend F/N chuckled at your struggling, earning a glare from you before you returned to your pile of clothes.

"Why don't we go to the new store that opened up in the local mall Y/N?" You thought about it for a minute. You didn't want to spend anymore money on things for prom since you already bought the accessories like shoes and what not. However, that was because you thought that you already had a dress for the prom but it seemed to want to disappear right before the big night so no really had no dress.

"Alright but it needs to be F/C and below 400 hundred Zeni okay?" Your friend nodded and got up from their seat on your bed, grabbing both of your coats and walking out your room. You followed them after putting on a pair of pants and a shirt.

Time skip...

"Okay so where is this so called new clothing store?" You asked as you and F/N entered the mall.

"It's called the Prom Night Shop, they sell a load of dresses for Prom both formal and slutty."

"I'm here for formal, maybe something red with a little bit of black in it. " Your friend nodded in a approval as both of you walked through the doors. Immediately F/N grabbed a hold of your shoulder, shaking you with excitement and pointing toward a dress you couldn't see.

"What is it F/N?"

"Look Y/N! It's perfect!" They run off to the left of you, running back only to grab your hand before pulling you with them to a dress rack.

"Look Y/N, this would be perfect with your F/C heels and black pearl jewelry!" You smile at the dress when they pull it off the rack, your mouth falling open at the beauty .

"Oh my kami... you're right! I love it!" The both of you squeal as a clerk comes along with a friendly smile on her face.

"Finding everything okay?" Your friend nods, unable to take their eyes off of the dress. You however get concerned with the cost since you were pretty sure that a dress as pretty as the one you found would probably be above your limit.

"I was concerned with one thing actually, how much would this dress be?" The Clerk looks at the dress, examining the quality before looking at you again.

"I would say about 300 Zeni." You smile widely.

"I'll take it." The clerk nods and waves for you and your friend to follow her. She went and told another clerk to wrap the dress up while she took you to the cashier. You paid for the dress and thanked the clerk before you and your friend headed home. Once home you immediately went to your room to try on the dress. It was a perfect fit all you needed help with was with the corset strings in the back, which your friend helped you with.

"You look hot Y/N, formal and hot." Your friend commented as you looked at yourself in your body mirror. You thought you looked stunning.

"Well I guess that settles it, I am ready for prom. What are you wearing F/N?"

"I have a nice S/F/C dress/suit with matching shoes and a necklace/chain my mother gave me. I'm going to get my hair and nails done tomorrow, sheesh... I'm glad we have a day off tomorrow gives us time to get ready." You nod your head in approval before getting undressed and changing into your pjs.

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