How Could You (4)

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You walked into the mansion where you and Your queen Harley lived. You were so excited for today. Today was one year with her. You were actually surprised she stuck with you. You went through pretty tough stuff. With your dad having cancer, and your mom murdered. So since she was there for you through your tough times. You wanted today to absolutely perfect for her. So to start off you bought her bouquet of roses and daisies. Those were her favorite, Also a heart shaped box filled with her favorite chocolate. Then later you had made a reservation to a beautiful and amazing restaurant. It took you forever to make it but you finally convinced them.
"Hello Miss (Y/L/N)" Jay said
"Hey Jay, how are you" you asked him
"I'm great thanks, and how are you" Jay says with a smile
"I'm doing great thanks. Hey do you know where Harley is?" you say .
"Yes I believe she is in the room" Jay saw with a weird look.
"Okayyy Thanks" you say as you walked away. Why did Jay give you a weird look? You thought to yourself. Anyway Jay was your favorite Goon he never lied he was always honest, and he was like a bet friend to you. You shared a lot with him. You shared more about your past with Jay then Harley. You just didn't want Harley to feel bad for you. You always want to see a smile on her face.
(A/N- Please play Marilyn By G-Eazy)

You began to walk to the room. You were so excited.
You opened the door slow just waiting to yell happy anniversary. "Harley Ha-" you were cut off when you something you never wish you saw. Harley looked like she was enjoying herself with Joker. You drop everything on the floor you were just in shock. "Shit (Y/N)" Harley said as she immediately got off Joker and began to run towards to you.
"Stay away Harley" you say while putting you hand up to make sure she doesn't come close. Your eye began to water, but you held the in. Harley had never seen you cry and today wouldn't be the day.
"Wait just listen" she said with fear in her eyes.
"How could you? I thought you loved me! You told me you were done with him! Don't ever talk to me agin we are done" you said you ran down the stairs to the exit.
"Wait (Y/N) please let's talk! Baby I do love you please listen" she yelled. You just kept running. She immediately caught up to you. You tried to open the door but she went in front of your way.
"What" you say looking at the ground.
"Just listen let me explain" Harley said trying to touch you face, but you yanked you face away.
"Their is nothing to explain Harley!" Joker said at the top of the stairs. With a laugh. You turned you head facing at him with anger. He winked at you.
"Stay out Joker!" You yelled.
"Hey Harley called me over." He said putting up his hand, and he then blew you a kiss and went back to the room. You turned your head to Harley.
"I don't think I will need an explanation. You gonna say your sorry and you love me. Also that to give you another chance it was a mistake. Harley no it wasn't okay. Look you can be with him I don't care bu-" you were cut off by Harley.
"I don't wanna be with him I wan-"
"Then why did you do it you know forget it, but let me ask you this" you say stepping a bit closer to Harley.
"What did I do to deserve this?" You asked. Harley stared at you like she had no answer. All you did was give her everything and this is what she gives you.
"Exactly nothing all I ever did was love you. But that ends now, have fun with Joker" you said. You then pushed Harley out of your way and made your way outside. It was pouring rain, wow thanks you thought to yourself. You slammed the door and ran to your car. When you got in your car, and turned your head towards the door. You saw Harley in the front of the house in the pouring rain. Harley began to walk to your car so you immediately hit the gas and went off. You didn't want to her or anymore of this.
As you were driving you kept getting calls and messages. They were from Harley, but you didn't bother to read them.
You stopped at a like a hill. That was your place when you felt stressed or sad. It was a beautiful view of Gotham.

It was just your favorite place in general

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It was just your favorite place in general. It is just absolutely beautiful and calming. As you stared at the city you thought of what happened a couple hours ago. You stared to get really mad. You punch the sealing of the car.
"FUCK FUCK FUCK" you yelled. How could she? today was supposed to be perfect but it's was complete shit. I don't understand what I did? All I did was love and cherish her. She was your queen. You thought to yourself. But you felt weird like something was missing. You couldn't figure it out. Wait.. I'm not cry you said to yourself. You were emotionless. You banged your head on the wheel. You decided to look at the message Harley sent you. You had 23 missed called and 15 unread messages.
(A/N- Bold is Harley)

"Baby come back please"
"Im sorry"
"I didn't mean it"
"I don't loved Joker I love you"
"I felt alone I just wanted attention"
"Come back please"
"I need you I can't live without you"
"It will never happen again please!"
"(Y/N) baby at least tell me you're ok"
"Answer me please"
"(Y/N)! Please answer"
"Where are you? Let's talk"
"I'm sorry"
"I won't hurt you again give me another chance sugar"
"Harley don't call me sugar anymore we are done. If you loved then this would have never happened, and you felt alone really no Harley don't give me that shit. I gave attention 24/7 so don't say that. Harley were are done goodbye" that was the last text you sent her you didn't want to her what she had to say so you blocked her. Fuck my life you said to yourself.

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