Baking Cookies (27)

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You sat down at the table reading a newspaper. Joker strikes again was on is the first page you rolled your eyes. He is so stupid. You then felt arms warped around you neck but in a gentle way.
"Hey Harls" you giggled. Harley kissed you in the top of your head
"Haha you ok?"
"Yeah I'm just really bored" she sighed. You raised both of your eyebrows.
"Ok what do u wanna do?" You asked. Harley squealed and clapped her hands. She ran to the cabinet and took out a tray.
"Let's make cookies!" She yelled. You giggled
"Ok ok" you say as you got up and walked to her. She jumped up and down. You loved it when she was so happy like this.
"Christmas music?" She asked as she went to the radio. You giggled as you nodded your head. As she turned it on Jingle bell Rock was on. Harley ran back to the kitchen and you guys began making cookies.

You guys were almost done with the batter you just needed a little more flower.
"Harley can I get more flower" you say. Harley nodded and gave you some. You poured it in and mixed it. Harley then put her finger in the batter. You looked at her confusion but she then took her finger out and put it in your nose. You opened you mouth in shock. You put some batter on your finger and put it in her lips. She giggled and she began too like it off
"No let me" you say as you leaned in and kissed her. You felt Harley smile under the kiss. You poured the batter on the pan and Harley put it in the oven.

"(Y/N)! The cookies!" Harley yelled. You both completely forgot about the cookies. You ran to the oven and opened it. They were kind burnt but still good enough too eat. Harley came to the kitchen giggled
"I Almost burned down the house". You giggled Harley then took a cookie and eat one.
"Mmm they are good sugar" she said with a happy tone. You grabbed one and took a bite. They had like a sugar with chocolate taste it was good. You guys both ended up eating all the yummy cookies.


A/N~ Hopefully you guys liked I know it was short sorry. Lol Anyways have a great night💕

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