Best Mistake (32)

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A/N~ Just to let you know this is Sequel part to "How Could You" lol anyways Enjoy!

It's been a year since you have seen
Harley. It's been a good year too. You got a job at a really nice bar. You live in your own apartment and you haven't gotten in any trouble. You felt happy. Today was Friday the busiest day out of the week. You had have to deal with drunk people and fights. But the job payed well so you didn't bother to complain.

"Excuse me miss I need another drink" the man yelled. You rolled your eyes and grabbed the vodka and slowly poured it into the glass. This was his 8 drink he is gonna have a serious headache tomorrow. You began to hear glass breaking and screaming.

Great a fight!

You tried too quickly move between all the drunk people to get too the fight. When you got there you saw too girls fight. Great a cat fight.
"Hey alright that's enough" you yelled as you picked up the girl off the other girl. She kept punching her over and over.
"Security!" You yelled then the two men came and esqurted the lady out. The other girl was still trying to get up.
"You need help miss?" You asked as you helped her up. She picked up her head and it was Harley.

You put the ice on the cloth and wrap it then you handed it too Harley.
You looked around her red and puffy eye.
"Yup that's gonna leave a mark" you said. Harley smiled.
"Alright goodbye it was nice too see you" you say as you began to walk away.
"Wait!" Harley yelled. You turned around on your heel to face her.
"I really miss you". You nodded and began to walk away.
"Why did you leave me?" Harley asked. You looked at her in Confusion. Anger boiled inside you.
"Oh i don't know maybe because I saw you fucking ridding Jokers dick or was I overreacting you tell me!" You hissed. You wanted to punch a wall. Is this bitch serious?
"I'm sorry (Y/N)" she said with a sad face.
"Sorry won't take away the pain you caused me but Harley I'm not gonna lie you were the best mistake I ever made" you sighed as you began to clean the counter. You then remember every night you cried and screamed. Punching walls breaking things.
"I'm so sorry I can make it up too you. We can be happy again. We can have those long talks, kisses, cuddles everything again" she said. You really did miss Harley a lot. She was on your mind at least once a day.
"Harley no I can't look I gotta get to work I need to serve people" you say as you walked away. You heard glass breaking you turned your head. You then saw Harley jump on the counter and crawled towards you and she connected your lips with hers. Your eyes widen but you felt your old feelings come back. Fuck.
"Just please give me another chance I promise I won't hurt you" she said.
"Fine. You get a second chance that's it" you giggled. Harley squealed and kissed you. You hoped you made the right choice.
"I missed you" she said
"Oh trust me I miss you so fucking much" you said as you squeezed her ass. She jumped a little. You saw a smirk apper on her face.
"Hmmm I missed all of you" she purred and she winked.


A/N~ Holy Shit 2k thanks so much💙🖤 I hoped you liked it and have a great night loves♦️

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