Private Show (8)

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Today was Valentine's Day, so of course you were gonna have some fun with Harley today. Before anything you still wanted to be romantic, so you bought her a bouquet of black rose, and some chocolate.
You walked into the mansion, and you continued to walk, but you almost slipped but quickly caught yourself. You look down, and saw clothes on the floor. You got scared at first thinking someone else is here but the you notice they were Harley's. You looked as you saw there was a trail of clothes. You shrugged and followed the trial of clothes. It kept changing it would be a bar or shorts or shirt. The trail of clothes lead you to the bedroom, the last thing before was her black underwear you smirked. She new those were your favorite. They looked sexy one her. You slowly opened the door, and what you saw was fucking amazing but also sad in a way. You saw Harley by a pole, and a chair was by it. Harley had some sexy Black lingerie. You were sad because she wasn't naked. "Ah the teasing" you thought to yourself. "Well you are about to be teased in a little bit. You said to yourself. You put down the chocolate and roses.
"What's this" you asked. While taking off your blue coat.
"Well since today is Valentine's Day Sugar. I thought I would give you a private show" she said with a smirk and winked.
"Well well today is my lucky day" you said while biting you lip. You then looked at Harley's sexy beautiful body. Looking her up and down. Every flawless part. Harley then walked towards you, and grabbed your arm. She pulled you to the chair, pushed you to sit. You could see the lust in her eyes. She then walked to her phone, and she put the Bluetooth on. She played Often By The Weeknd, but it was the remix. You giggled because you liked that song. She then walked to the pole and began your private show. She moved her hips to the beat. She then stared to shake her ass. You stared to get tensed up "Fuck" you muttered. She smirked when she heard those words because she knows you are starting to get wild. She then walked towards you, and put her legs and both sides of your legs. She sat down on your lap, and began to grind on you. You biting you lip, and moved your hand to her ass. But she slapped your hands. You looked at her in confusion.
"No touching until I say so" she whispered in your ear. You stared at her with a little anger. She better stop you thought. She then got off of you, and went to the pole agin. She then slowly stared to take off her lingerie, but she then stopped. You had enough of teasing. You got up and ran towards her, and picked her up carrying her to the bed. You dropped her on the bed. You then took off your shirt. You then smashed your lips against hers. You then took off her lingerie. Harley screamed a little but a playful scream.
"So beautiful" you whispered. You began to kiss around her breast, then you went down slowly kissing her stomach.
"So fucking beautiful" you said and went back up to her neck. You then stared to suck on her skin that leaves her some beautiful love marks. You then kissed her again but hard and sloppy this time, but Harley loved it because you heard her moaned under the kiss. You and Harley had a very fun night that day. 😏😉

A/N- Ha this one was nice 😉lol anyways I'm so excited my birthday is in a couple days wooo 😂 anyways hope you have a great night Byeeeee

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