Monster (21)

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Today was not a good day. You got fired from your job. You didn't do anything wrong you were defending yourself your coworker was touching you. So you punched him in the nose. You definitely felt something break. Then you got robbed, your car broke down, you spilled water on your laptop and you got in a fight. This lady was drunk as fuck. It was just horrible you just wanted to go home and sleep.

When you got home you heard Harley say hey but you ignored her and went straight up stairs. You had this pounding in your head. You closed the door and went on the bed. The door swung open
"What is wrong with you?" Harley asked while crossing her arms
"Just a bad day leave me alone" you say moving your hand back and forth telling her to leave.
"No tell me!" She yelled. You then stared to hear things. Fuck not you! you thought. The voice stared talking again. Leave me alone you thought but they kept going. You got more angry.
"Holy shit nothing Harley!" You hissed standing up getting really pissed off.
"What the fuck tell me!" She scrolled and she pushed you. Who the fuck does she think she is talking too you thought. You then had this funny feeling inside you. You felt absolutely furious. Anger was boiling inside you, you didn't want to deal with Harley at the moment. The voice kept talking, not thinking of what your were doing you raised your hand and it came in contact with Harley's check. She yelped as she fell. You felt a sting on you hand. You put you hands over you mouth. What the fuck did I do you thought Harley runs out the room.
"Harley!" You yelled. She was already gone. What the fuck is wrong with me you thought.
Ha nice shot to your gf. You saw how she fell to the ground. Damn that was good. You monster. The voices kept talking to you, you couldn't take it anymore. You had enough of this terrible day. You ran to your desk and swiped everything off. You then felt an instant sting in your plan. You look to see you had a huge cut on your palm. You didn't care anymore you kept going. You then grabbed Harley's bat and began to make holes in the walls. You walked around the house smashing picture, lamps just anything that would break. So much glass was everywhere. You then went down too the batsmet and stared to smash all your shot glasses and you threw the chairs against the wall breaking every one. You had a bar in your basement and you wanted a drink. You went to the counter and just chugged almost a full bottle of vodka. Your throat was burning big time. But you didn't care you kept drinking. You had a drinking problem when you were younger, but it looks like it may come back. Once you finished it you smashed it on the ground. Then you began too drink another one. You just kept drinking. How did I become this monster you thought. Ugh I laid a hand on Harley.
"Fuck!" You yelled as your through the bottle at the wall. You then looked under the counter and saw a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. You quickly snatched both and opened the pack. You put the cigarette between your lips and lit it up. You inhaled the poison and exhaled it out as it disappeared in the air. You felt so relaxed. But than you thought of Harley. Fuck my demons


A/N~ What do you guys think? Do you guys have any requests?? Hope you guys a a great night💞

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