Help (23)

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You heard yelling coming from up stairs. Great Harley and Joker are Fighting you thought. If u don't stop it he is gonna hit her you thought. You quickly got up and head up the stars when you reached the top you headed to his office. As you got closer and closer the yelling became louder. You then heard a loud smack and then a thud. It's was silent. You heard the door swing open and you then saw Harley run out of Jokers office. She was holding her check and crying she ran down to the basement. You then saw Joker come out of his office
"What did you do" you asked while you crossed your hands
"Non of your fucking buissnues" he says. He then slams the door, you jumped a little you could hear some of the wood break. You sighed why does Harley stay with him. She always gets hurt. You wanted to make sure Harley was ok but when she is in the basement she doesn't want to talk. So you wanted her to cool down. So you gave her some space.

It's been two hours since the fight. Harley was still in the basement. She is usually upstairs by now. You are very worried now so you just decide to go down there and check on her. As you went down the stairs you couldn't see Harley. You then saw a door. You slowly walked to the door and opened it. Harley was laying in the floor. There was pills bottles by Harley you ran to her.
"Harley!" You shook her she was blue, her skin was cold, she wasn't breathing.
"Wake up! Wake up!" You yell. You put your fingers in her mouth try to make her throw up the pills.
"Help! Joker! Anyone! Just Help!" You yelled. You heard footsteps running. You saw Joker he immediately stopped when he saw Harley. He was just in shocked.
"Harley please!" You yell. You began to CPR you kpet doing it
"Please Harley come on please" you say as you force your pressure on her chest. She wouldn't wake up. She was gone. You loved her you wanted her to be yours now that will never happen. You began too cry on her. You felt Joker rub your back you quickly got up.
"This is all your fault!" You yell. You could see he had guilt in his eyes. You drop to the floor and cry. She's gone you never had that chance to kiss her feel her lip. You never had the chance to call her yours. You loved her so much. You stare at her lifeless body. You shouldn't have died like this you thought. You didn't know how you were gonna live without her. You then noticed a pice of paper in her hand. You quickly grabbed it. You opened it and saw that Harley wrote you a letter. You stare at it and think "how can the be fair" you began to read as a tear rolled down your face.

Dear (Y/N),

I know you found my like this because you were the only one who really cared about me. I'm so sorry you had to find me like this. I just couldn't handle the pain anymore.
(Y/N) listen I liked you for awhile but I knew you would never like me back. That's why I was always so distant from you. I wish I could take that back and spend more time with you. I just want you to know that I loved you a lot. Joker made me feel worthless. I tried to tell myself I would be okay but I was telling white lies. It's okay you will see me soon. I promise you will make it through the night. Just look at the stars. You're the best friend that I've ever had, I'm so sorry I had to make you so very sad. Just remember that you meant everything to me and to my heart you were the one that held the key. Sorry I have to go I'm running out of space. Just know I love you and Everything Will Be Ok- XOXO Harley

You cried as you finished the letter. Why did she leave me? You thought. You folded the paper and put it in your pocket. You formed your body into a ball and cried more.
"I love you too" You whispered to yourself hoping Harley would know.


A/N- This one was really sad😰 anyways hoped you liked and and please leave a request. Have a great night🖤

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