You are Beautiful (40)

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You stood in front of the mirror staring at your body. You couldn't think you just kept staring. You took a deep breath and walked out of your closet and went to the bathroom. You looked your face and sighed. You began to apply make up on.
After a while you were ready to go out with Harley. You looked at your outfit. Once more in the mirror. You always didn't feel really confident from the neck down. You never grew up learning on how to love yourself. You jumped when you felt arms wrapped around you.
"You ok Sugar" Harley asked as she laid her chin on your shoulder.
"Ummm Yeeess" you sighed you looked down at the floor. Harley put her fingers under your chin and lifted your head up to meet her eyes.
"What's wrong Sugar" Harley asked.
"Just I'm not confident in my body" You sighed
"Honey is there a reason why? If so tell me" Harley said in gentle tone
"Harley I didn't grow up on learning how to love myself and plus I just don't have a perfect body" you sighed.
"What's a perfect body too you?" She asked
"Magazines" you sighed
"Sugar no. You don't have to look like those girls in the magazines. Remember doll people come in different size and shape. There is no problem with your body. There is nothing wrong with your size, your curves, your scars, your flaws, your stretch marks or You. Sugar it's Not your job to look like those girls in the magazines. It is Not your job too look "pretty" because first of all there is no such thing as a perfect girl or body. Sugar we all have our flaws but why be down all the time when you could embrace them. Flaws are a good thing they show you that you Human. Sugar you're good enough. " Harley smiled then she kissed you on the lips.
"Sugar I love you so much alright don't ever think for a split second that I love you any less because of your body" Harley gave you a tight hug.
"I love you too Babe" you smiled as your hugged Harley back.
"Now let's go to the party we are late" Harley giggled. You nodded and headed to the party.


A/N~ I know this one is really short, but I wanted to make this one for anyone who is struggling with loving their body. Just understand that you are beautiful ❤️ Please love your curves, stretch marks or scars because they are beautiful. Please don't try to look like those girls in the magazines when you can be Yourself. Trust me I struggled with loving my body for a long time. It's hard but when you do it's the best feeling. Please work to get that feeling.
understand that everyone comes in different shape and sizes. I love you all so much. Also if you every need someone to talk to I'm always here💕 I hope you have a great day loves❤️ Also Please think about this question "Are you happy with yourself" really think 💕 I'm always here

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