You Comforting Her (14)

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You were sitting on the couch watching your favorite tv show. You were waiting for Harley to come home because she was out doing business for Joker. You didn't understand why Harley loved Joker he was a dick to her. If only I could understand what goes on in her brain you thought. Then the sound of keys and a door opening snaps you out of your thoughts.
"Hello (Y/N) " Harley said while closing the door
"Hey Harley so how was it?" You asked
"Eh same thing stuff for money and I shoot the guy" she says while rolling her eyes. You giggle, then Harley looked like she was gonna say something, but you already knew what she was gonna ask.
"Joker is upstairs" you say pointing to the stairwell. You got really jealous when Harley would talk about Joker. You wished she could talk about you like that. You didn't understand what she saw in him.
"Thanks sweets" she says as she starts walking to the stairs. You watched Harley as she faded away upstairs. You then turned your head back to the tv.
As you were watching tv you started to hear yelling. You jumped the yelling was so loud you could hardly hear the tv. You wanted to make sure everything was okay, so you headed up stairs.
As you reached the top you could hear the yelling coming from Jokers office. Shit you thought. You tip toed to the door and slowly opened the door. You then saw Jokers hand hit Harley's face. Harley falls to the floor as she yelps in pain. You dashed to Harley and hold her head up while rubbing her cheek.
"What the fuck is wrong with you J!" You yell turning your head to face him not breaking eye contact. He looks at you in confusion like he is wondering why I'm even in here here.
"What do yo want one too!?" He yelled getting closer. You then stood up and pushed him and stare at him with anger. You then see him lift his hand heading towards your face. You quickly grabs his hand and twists it putting behind his back.
"Let me go you bitch!" He yells
"You hurt Harley again and I will kill you!" You say on the edge of yelling. You then kick him in the leg making him fall. Then you rise your hand forming it into a fist and your fist makes contact with Jokers face knocking him out. You noticed the blood quickly rushed out of his nose. Huh I still got it you said to yourself. You then shake your hand in pain, and turn towards Harley "come on" you say . You picked her up and headed towards your car. You decide to take Harley for a drive so she can cool down and you and also Joker. Everyone needed a break.
So you took Harley to a beach by Gotham city.

 When you got there you took a deep breath

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When you got there you took a deep breath. You admired the beauty of it. You then began to walk down the waterline. You then asked Harley a question you wanted to ask her for a long time.
"Harley why do you love him if he treats you like shit?" You asked while looking at the city lights.
"I really don't know he makes me feel wanted. He made me who I am and I love him for that. No one will ever love me like he does." She says stopping to look at the beach. You liked Harley for quite awhile now and broke your heart to see her like this. You wanted her to be yours, you could treat her so much better. You wanted to always see a smile on her face. You wanted her to be happy. You then turned your head to look at Harley you could see her beautiful skin glowing. She looked beautiful with the stars above her head and her beautiful blue eyes. She turned her head
"What?" She asked with a smile. You didn't think of what you were doing so you quickly made your lips connect with her lips. Harley was shocked at first but then quickly stared to kiss you back. You smile under the kiss. You then unlocked the kiss
"I'm sorry" you say looking away. Harley moves your chin too face her and she leans in and kisses you. She pulls away
"It's ok I liked it" she says with a giggle
"I've been waiting for this for awhile" you say then you reached for her hand and held it. You both smile.


A/N~ What do you guys think? I liked how it came out lol but anyways please guys leave a request I'm open to an ideas! But have a great night my loves💕

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