Chapter 27

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Dad was surprised to see me so early. Thanks to the help I'd been able to get to the hospital by seven. He stood up with a stunned look because I was so early and I was frozen at the door because I heard two boys.
Clear as day. My little brothers, both of them. Harry was telling Eddie I was there and Eddie replied that he hoped I was reading to him again tonight before bed. Camille pushed me in and walked to my dad to say hello. Eddie asked who the other girl was and Harry explained out loud. The whole time Eddie's lips didn't move once.

'Holy shit!' I thought to myself.
'You're in here too! That is sooo awesome! Harry! Harry! She even talks in my head! That was in my head right? That wasn't her talking out loud? It couldn't have been, dad didn't say anything! Hey Juuls! Talk to me again!' I heard the excited rant in my head.
'Holy shit!' I thought again. 'Ben was right!'
'He was? What'd he say?'
'He said we would be able to mind link and we can!' I thought back as hard as possible.
'No need to yell!' I heard both boys laugh in my head. 'Just think it and have the wish to share it with us and we pick it up. Harry still talk out loud half the time!'

I finally managed to move. Dad, Camille, Adrien and David were all looking at me somewhat worried. I still heard the twins. Eddie was asking what was happening and Harry replied in a way that I didn't hear out loud but was clear as a bell in my head. I attempted to focus on the other people but my eyes were glued to Harry's. He had a huge grin on his face and had the audacity to wink at me as his voice sounded in my head. 'I think this might have been worth the whole 'years of coma' shjit we've put up with!'
"Euh? Hi dad?"
"You must be tired honey. You spaced out for several minutes there?!"
"Huh? I did? I mean, yeah, I did, didn't I? Sorry daddy. Camille's mum and a few of her friends came to help so I made enough for the run and managed to make two extra loads too. They're in the cool room but you'll need to either take them or freeze them tomorrow."
"Camille just told me that honey. You really didn't listen did you?"
"I'm sorry dad."
"It's alright. I think Harry is the only one that isn't stressed with everything..."

I had yet to drag my eyes away from him. 'Are you gonna tell dad? Does she look like she is gonna tell dad? Someone tell me what the hell is going on!'
'You'd know if you just dragged your ass out of that coma properly!' Harry teased his twin.
"I think I'll have an early night with the twins, daddy. Don't worry I'll make sure they stay out of trouble until you come back in the morning." I told him as I tossed my overnight bag beside the couch to my right.
"You'll miss first period, I have to go over a few things with Ben before I come back here."
"That's fine dad, don't worry about it. I mean it's only my senior year, who cares about grades in the most important year of high school. It really doesn't make a difference in deciding my future prospects or anything."
Dad laughed. "Soon some boy will figure out how amazing you are, fall head over heels in love, shower you with everything he can to show how much he adores you and before you know it he'll chain you to his side forever... and then you won't need that education anymore, or a job, because he won't ever let you leave."
I hugged dad so he couldn't see the horror I felt and mumbled goodnight. He hugged both the boys, told Eddie to wake up soon and left.

Adrien walked to the bed and introduced himself and the other two, who said hi to Eddie too.
"I know you can hear me boy. I also know that you can talk to your brother and sister. Her face gave it away when she walked in. It might amuse you to know her mouth actually dropped open the moment she heard you and her face went all 'What the Hell?'. It was very hard not to laugh at her.... Actually, that's how Harry looks now!" He smirked.
"What the Hell!?" Harry snapped.
"My family has the same ability. That's actually why we're here. The doc, he's one of ours, said that at the speed you are healing you should be waking up by tomorrow night. I'll give Harry my number but I expect you boys to contact me by Friday." Adrien's voice was different than normal. He sounded very stern and in my head I heard Eddie consent immediately, I expected Harry to argue but he had dropped his eyes and softly told him they would.

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