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Chapter II.



When I woke up the next morning, I had dark bags under my eyes and extreme bed hair from squirming around in bed all night. I had barely gotten any sleep thinking about how I could just attack Italy right then and there. But of course, my stupid moralistic German conscience wouldn't let me. I mean, für die Güte willen! It's just German instinct to attack others! But....that's more in a war zone,....not with feelings of love and all that Scheiße, but still!

"Buongiorno Germany~" I heard Italy say cheerfully behind me as I sat on my bed, "Ah, your bed is so comfy! I slept like a bambino, how was your sleep, Germany?"

"I slept well" I lied, as I slicked my hair back and looked over my shoulder at Italy, who was smiling at me with bright eyes.

"That's good! Can we go to Japan's house now?" Italy asked me excitedly, as he jumped off the bed, almost tripping on his face.

"Ja ja, go get ready and we'll leave. Make sure to pack all your paints this time, I don't want to have to run back here for a specific shade of blue."

" Sì, I will!" Italy replied happily, then ran off to his room to get dressed.

As I stood up and slid on my dark green military pants, I looked over to the area of the bed where Italy slept.

"I'm starting to think I really hate this "love" thing...."


As we arrived at Japan's oriental-styled house near 5 in the afternoon, Italy ran up and glomped Japan, causing him to freak out and push Italy off of him quickly, which caused me to snicker a bit.

"Ah, sorry Mr. Itary, but us japanese respect our personar space, Konichiwa to both of you" Japan said quietly to us, as he bowed slightly.

"Ja, Guten tag Japan, Italy wanted to come over today to paint your new fish in your koi pond, I just came along to visit you, would you be alright with that?" I asked, also bowing a bit in greeting, and also watching as Italy stood up from moping on the ground and quickly returned to being joyful.

"Ah yes, that's fine, I'rr go make us some oorong tea while Mr. Itary sets up his painting area" Japsn said politely, leading us into his tatami mat covered home.

As Italy quickly galloped over to the screen door that led to the patio in the back that held a bonsai tree garden and koi pond, I watched with admiration as I saw his mood change from care-free to focused as he laid his paint brush on the thick cardboard paper that sat on the easel.

Even now, I couldn't stop thinking about how I desperately wanted to wrap my arms around Italy's slender frame. I bet he's extremely soft and warm, and his hair cuddly. I'd love to entwine my fingers in his light caramel-colored hair. Of course I know I can't do any of this, if I didn't keep my strict and strong ways, Italy would....wait, in those Japanese comics Japan leant me, what are they called, manga I believe, there are characters like me, I I can't be what they call a,.. A..

A TSUNDERE?!?! MEIN WORT, NEIN, NEIN, NEIN! I AM NO MANGA CHARACTER WHO HIDES THEIR FEELINGS WITH VIOLENCE,....wait, do I? NEIN OF COURSE NOT, I AM THE STRONG GERMANY, I AM MORE SELF-WILLED THAN THAT! I'll tell Italy of my feelings one day,...I just need time. Ja, I can't just scare the guy with my feelings, I'm not even sure how he'll react with me telling him.

As I rant to myself, I realize Japan is staring at me as I stared at Italy while fighting with my mind. He seems to have a sort of amused, curious, and smug face on. I bet he thinks I'm a psycho.

"W-what is it, Japan?" I asked with a sturdy voice, trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Nothing" Japan said, a little amusement in his voice.

"Just spit it out if you want to say something" I commanded, looking at him.

"You, realized your feelings for Itary, right Germany?"

My cheeks turned red as I looked at Japan in surprise, checking to see if Italy heard us, which he didn't since he was too focused on shading the fish's shadow. "W-W-WHAT NONSENSE ARE YOU SPURTING OUT?!" I stutter out to Japan, trying not to talk extremely loud.

"Japanese men are very serious, we don't spurt nonsense. Of course I notice, since I spend so much time with both you together. It nothing to be ashamed of."

I stayed silent for a moment before admitting that what he said was true. "Ja, I've noticed, and I'm not sure what to do about it. I don't want to hurt Italy, but he's too oblivious to my feelings. I want to scream it to him, but at the same time, I want him to not find out ever."

As I said this, Japan looked over at me and gave me a smirk as if he knew something I did not.

"No need to worry, Mr. Germany, you wirr know when it is the right time."

After he answered me, I thought about his advice then smiled, relieved a bit that I talked out my feelings with Japan. He truly was very wise.

Before I could tell him thank you, Italy bounded into the room with his artwork. "VE~ Germany, Japan, look! Do you think it turned out good?" He asked, jumping with excitement.

I inspected the piece of work then smiled, nodding. "Ja Italy, you've done very good work, the fish looks realistic" I answered him, patting his head softly, his soft hair making my skin tingle.

Italy looked at me and smiled brightly, causing me to slightly blush from his cuteness. "Thanks Germany, we should hang it up in your house! It'll be nice in the kitchen! Oh, but then that might remind us that we eat such a cute little creature. I DON'T WANNA FEEL GUILTY AS I EAT! Nossignore! Nossignore! And wh--"

Before Italy continued his worrying rant, Japan put a swift hand up to stop him, rubbing his forehead as if he had a head ache from Italy's words. "Mr. Itary, calm down, why don't you both stay here with me tonight since it a pretty far traver back to Mr. Germany's house this rate. Come, I sharr show you your room" Japan explained, hurrying us down the hallway then pushing us into a guest room together.

"Well, I feel pretty tired, so I sharr sreep now, good night to both of you" he said with speed, closing the screen door. Right before he closed it though, he met my eyes and winked with a grin, then left me and Italy.

That damn country,

He left me in Italy alone, a room with only one twin-sized sleeping mat...

Just great.


Author's note:

CLIFFHANGER! Haha sorry, (not really), I know I suck. Hello to all! WOW, THIS CHAPTER WAS A REAL ARSE TO WRITE! I feel as if I'm putting Germany too much out of character.....meh, IDC. I'd like to hear how you like the story so far, thank you for reading! Oh, and yes, I tried my best in this chapter to try to make Japan's stereotypical accent, I feel as if I failed, failure's nothing new to me. AISHITERU!



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