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~ Chapter XI. ~



Italy's P.O.V.

Today, me and Germany are leaving Austria's house. Germany seems more enthusiastic about leaving than I am. He even had all of our stuff packed before I woke up. Austria told us that they'd make us a special buffet breakfast before we left, so that's what I'm most excited for. To be honest, I'm gonna be a little sad leaving all of my family again, but I'm also looking forward to being alone again with Germany. I MEAN, NOT BECAUSE I WANNA DO ADULT THINGS WITH HIM OR STUFF LIKE THAT, IT'S JUST....

I guess, since we became...a couple right before we came to Austria's, I haven't gotten to be super lovey with him. I WANT TO CUDDLE WITH HIM, AND SNUGGLE WHILE WATCHING CUTE CARTOONS WITH HIM, AND GO TO THE BEACH WITH HIM. I WANT TO DO ANYTHING, as long as Germany's with me....

Wow, I really wish I could be more masculine. I sound like a teenage ragazza thinking about her first boyfriend.

Germany came up behind me as I was thinking about all this, holding me from behind and almost making me slip off the bed we shared. "What's on your mind, Feliciano?" He asked curiously, resting his head on my shoulder and staring up at me with his icy blue eyes that made me shiver.

I shrugged my shoulder, blushing from his closeness. "T-the beach..." I stuttered, not sure what to say.

"The beach?" He asked confused.

"Sì" I answered, making it sorta hiss like a snake.

"So, do you want to go to...the beach?"

I looked at him, thinking about my reply. "Do you?" I asked.

"Uh, well...I mean, if you want to, we can."

"Really? Sei sicuro?!"

"Ja, it sounds like something we could do in between training. Besides, I'll go anywhere with you" Ludwig replied, blushing a bit.

I smiled sweetly at him, turning around to sit in his lap and kiss his nose. Germany looked at me surprised, but then quickly retaliated with a soft kiss on my lips. It seemed like I started a war, because after he did that, I kissed him with more passion, and he replied with kissing down my neck, nipping at my collar bone.

I tightened my hands around his waist, making him lift his head so I could kiss him again, this time longer and a bit rougher. Germany quickly took control of our lips, roughening our kiss and pulling me deeper into it. I felt his hands twirl into strands of my hair, and I moved my arms to around his neck. Before I knew it, I was pushed down onto the bed by Ludwig, and we were rolling around on the big bed, not once breaking our kiss.

Right before I could reach under Germany's shirt, I felt both me and him thump to the ground. I landed on top of Germany, and felt guilty when I saw a little pain in his eyes when he sat up from the carpeted floor. I mean, I'm lucky it wasn't me because I'd probably begin crying excessively from falling off the bed onto the ground, but I still felt bad that Germany felt even a little bit of pain. After taking in what had happened, we both stared at each other while sitting awkwardly on the floor. Then, just as quickly as we had fallen, me and Germany both started laughing about it. Wow, Germany looks really cute when he's laughing, I hope I'm the only one that's seen him like this.

Germany helped me off the floor and dusted himself off. "Come on Italy, we better go eat breakfast". I nod, and swiftly pick myself off the floor, running outside the room and into the kitchen, Germany following close behind.

Romano's P.O.V.

I sat on my bed, still groggily waking up. I barely slept, due to me thinking about my idiotic actions last night. Ugh, I'm such a perdente. Spain has enough to worry about with Italy rejecting him, but of course I became selfish and pushed my feelings onto him. I mean, I didn't necessarily say I liked him, but me kissing him should show it enough.

Still, even though I kissed him, I felt incomplete, like I should still officially tell him I like him. Maybe that bastard Germany gave me the courage to think like this, but since the gatto's out of the bag, I might as well just tell him. Before I leave to eat breakfast, I get a sticky note from my desk and scribble a few words down, then, as I pass by Spain's room, I stick it right in the center of his wooden door. After making sure it stuck nicely, I quickly walked away.

As I made my way into the kitchen, everyone was already there, even Spain. They all said a big "Good Morning Romano!". A huge buffet of breakfast foods was laid out on our dining table, and I could feel my stomach screaming at me to attack it. For some reason, even though I should feel worried that it'll be awkward near Spain, I'm actually relieved. It's like all the crap I had to worry about before just lifted off my shoulders, and for once, I could say everything that I've always tried to.

Before digging into the beautiful delicacies served, I looked over at everyone. Germany noticed my staring and smiled politely at me, and for once, I smiled back.

Spain's P.O.V.

I sat quietly at the table, soaking in the conversation everyone was having about who knows what. Romano seemed to be acting just like his normally sassy sarcastic self, but I did catch him peering over at me quite a few times. I'm still not sure what to make of his kiss from last night; was it supposed to be a confession? Or maybe he was just trying to get me out of my room. Either way, for some reason, it made me think of Lovino differently, maybe as more than the little boy I raised. I'm not sure, it's confusing, but all I know is I wasn't sure how to ask him about it.

Breakfast, even though it was large, seemed to go by fast, and before I knew it, Ludwig and Feliciano were heading out of the door with their suitcases. I watched as Italy hugged Romano, and told him something that looked interesting, which made Romano punch Italy, but then after a while give him a little hug. Then, he hugged Austria, and Austria stayed formal with a "come by any time". He hugged France next, and Francis just simply petted his head and told him a "be safe". When he hugged me, I wasn't sure was to do. I nervously hugged back and whispered a "Don't get into trouble, bien Feli?" Which he answered with a happy "SÌ~!".

I smiled with a sort of melancholy as I watched Italy and Germany walk out of the door together. I must admit, even though they're mostly complete opposites, they really looked nice together. It made me even more sad, but at the same time happy that Italy was so cheerful with him.

After we watched them leave, everyone left in the house broke off and left to do their own things. I, with nothing planned, began walking back to my room. Before I could walk in, I spotted a bright yellow sticky note on my door. Curious, I opened it.

"To Antonio,

If you don't mind, please come to my room before you go to bed, thanks.


I sighed, a little nervous from the note. Wow, it was the first time I saw Romano say please.

Well, I guess I'm visiting Romano before bed.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


Ciao mi amici~! Thanks for reading another chapter of this story! Sorry that it's sorta short, but I didn't want to put so much in one chapter, so I had to cut it short. This chapter was a little GerIta, a little Spamano CX Aw Romano's getting confident. Oh, I was wearing a panda suit while writing this....idk why I wanted to include that in this author's note abut whatevs.


『If you could live with any of the countries, which one would you want to live with?』

I'd wanna live with Japan probably, his house looks comfy. Plus, all that manga in his house is very tempting *^* hehehe.

Whale, thank you all again, especially the ones who've been waiting each time excited for each update c: you guys make me happy.



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