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~Chapter Ⅴ.~



As the glimmering sun's rays woke me from my peaceful slumber, I looked up at the just-setting color of light blue in the sky. I looked down at my feet to see that I was lying in the green grassy field, my chest exposed and my shirt gone.

"Was that all just a dream?! That seemed so realistic. It was the best dream I ever had" I thought, as I closed my eyes and turned to my left in the field. When I opened my eyes, I jumped up, looking at the sight next to me.

Italy was there still sleeping, laying cozily on the grass and cuddling against my white shirt. I watched him surprised, and then I realized what had taken place last night.

"D-did I really confess to Feliciano last night?! Did we really....mein gott" I thought, as I laid back down in the soft grass. I stared at Italy's soft sleeping face, running my hand against his soft cheek. He began to move around, wiggling his legs as if he was swimming. Before I could move away from him, his bright eyes began to slowly open as he stretched out into a yawn. He looked over to me, blush coming across his cheeks.

"B-Buongiorno Germania" he whispered softly, peering down to the grass.

"Ja, Guten morgen Italy" I said to him, a bit nervous as well. We sat in silence for a while, I staring at Itsly while he looked over occasionally at me. I sighed, standing up from the field.

"Well, we should be going, Japan's probably worried for us right now" I explained, holding my hand out to Italy. He looked up at me, putting on a soft smile, and nodding slightly.

"Sì~". Italy took hold of my hand, pulling himself up with my support, and then dusted himself off. I smiled at him, remembering his words to me last night.

"Let's go, Feliciano."

"Ah, bene" Italy whispered, still holding onto my hand. We strolled back to Japan's home, both of us completely silent. But even though it was so silent, it felt as if our feelings for each other were spreading through the warmth of our hands.


"Werr werr, there you two are. I was worried because this morning you weren't there" Japan told us as we walked into his house. I did a slight bow to him, giving a polite smile.

"Ah, traurig Japan, something...just came up" I explained, rubbing the back of my head nervously.

Japan stared at me suspiciously, seeming to suspect my eyes for any falseness. After a while of a sort-of staring contest between us, Japan put on a sly grin and turned around. "It's okay, as rong as you're both okay" Japan sighed, as he served himself a cup of tea.

"We are. Italy, why don't you go pack up all your art kit? We need to get back home" I informed Italy, smiling at him.

He nodded and walked off meekly. After Italy left the room, I sat at Japan's kotatsu table, picking up a piece of raw fishy stuff that sat on the table,

We sat in silence for a while until Japan cleared his throat.

"So, you confessed to mr. Itary rast night?" He asked me, not looking up from his tea cup.

I choked on the appetizer I was snacking on and looked over at him. "W-Where'd you get that idea?" I asked him, looking at the sliding door to make sure Italy wasn't coming in.

"Ah, werr, Japanese peopre have a sixth sense. I can terr by how you both act with each other, the aura around you, how Itary seems,....Prus, I watched you both hording hands whire warking back over here from the window" Japan explained, smiling done at his cup.

I looked away from him with embarrassment, my cheeks flushing. "Ja, I did, turns out he had the same feelings for me" I told him, looking to the ground.

"I knew it."


"I tord you, us Japanese have sixth sense."

I peered at him with disbelief, then looked away.

"Are you two, how does America say it,... going steady?" Japan asked me, sipping his green tea.

I thought for a second, not sure if we were. "That's right, I didn't ask Italy if he wanted to go out with me. I was in such ecstasy over him just reciprocating my feelings, I forgot to ask him if he wanted to be l-l.....lov...., ARGHH I CAN'T EVEN THINK IT, NONETHELESS SAY IT!" I contemplated, rubbing my temples so I wouldn't have a headache.

"Mr. Germany?" I heard Japan say, looking at me curiously.

"Ah, ah, traurig. I'm actually not sure where our relationship is..." I answered him honestly.

"Oh, I see, werr, when you figure it out, ret me know. I want to be the first to send you both a congraturations basket."

"...Ja, I will."

Me and Japan swiftly stopped talking as Italy walked into the room, his slender arms barely able to hold all of his art supplies. "I'm ready!" He exclaimed, bounding over to the kotatsu.

"Good, well then Japan, we'll be on our way" I said, bowing slightly to Japan and heading towards the door.

"Thank you for everything amico! Arrivederci~!" Italy said, waving a goodbye to Japan and walking to the door.

"Ah, yes, don't be afraid to visit anytime" Japan said politely, still drinking his tea as he bowed a slight goodbye to us.

I took some of Italy's bags to help him carry as we walked out of the door. Italy began skipping as we walked, waving around painting he drew of the koi fish. I looked at it and smiled.

"You really like it don't you? That artwork." I asked, watching him.

"Sì, of course!" Italy answered, looking at the painting with affection.

"Well, aren't you vain?"

"I-it's not because I believe I did a good job! It's just..."

"Just what?" I asked, smirking at his embarrassed expression.

"'s just, I like it since you complimented it. If you said it was good, then that makes me really happy" Italy said, blushing softly and putting on a sweet smile.

I blushed at his answer. "Ah, I see".

We walked for a while before I got the urge to do something.

"Italy, stay still."

"Huh? Why?" He asked, stopping in his tracks.

"Just stay still and close your eyes" I said, nervous.

"Ah, okay."

As Italy closed his eyes, I leaned in to his face, kissing him softly. I felt his face heat up, but he still didn't push me away. Instead, he rested his hands on my cheeks. My lips stayed attached to his, and our kiss grew more passionate by the second. As I let go, I looked into his light brown eyes that seemed to be filled with a complicated emotion, but it seemed as if I understood that emotion.

"L-Ludwig~..." Italy whispered.

"Ja, Feliciano" I whispered as well, letting his name roll of my tongue smoothly.

"Ti amo, Ludwig."

My face turned red from his sudden words. "Ich liebe dich, Feliciano" I whispered into his ear, causing him to drop his bags as I quickly hugged him.

*・゜゚・*:....:*'(*゚▽゚*)'*:.. ..:*・゜゚・*

Author's Note:

Again, sorry for the slow update, but I really hope you enjoyed this chappy! I'm hoping to update quicker, but I've been so busy I barely have time to update any of my stories! Thank you all for reading, I really appreciate it <3 Heheh, Japan's too wise. Anywhoo, I hope you all stick around to read more,



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