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~Chapter IV.~



I ran, and ran, and just kept on running, trying to run my worries away. It didn't work, but it did succeed in getting me lost in a huge field.

"Oh god, why'd I have to do that?!" I thought to myself, running my hands through my slicked back fair hair, "I made Italy cry, the only one in the world that I can't see cry, I made him cry!".

My head began to churn and I fell back into the grassy plain, rubbing my head as if it'll take all the bad thoughts away. I looked up at the sparkling sky filled with stars, hoping to calm down.

"Dammit. Why am I such an idiot?" I whispered to myself, banging my head back.

I laid there for a while before beginning to snooze off, then I slowly fell asleep.

I awoke a few minutes later from a sound of yelling. It wasn't any yelling, it was Italy's smooth voice yelling as loud as he could.

"GERMANIA! GERMANIA, PLEASE COME OUT, IMMA SO TIRED!" Italy exclaimed. He panted over, wimpily running into the field I laid in.

I ducked into a bush nearby, hoping for him not to find me, I couldn't face Italy, not yet. I watched as he began searching for me in the grass. He came closer to the bush I took refuge in, still looking around warily. "Mein gott! Why am I, big Germany, hiding in a scrawny bush?! I'm surprised Italy couldn't spot me right away!" I thought to myself, as I watched Italy intently.

Italy began to sprint tiresomely to another part of the field, but before he could get really far from the bush I crouched in, I saw him clumsily trip on a small wood log and begin to fall. I swiftly used all my might to run and catch Italy, landing on the hard, flat ground with a thud, Italy stunned as he landed on top of me. I accidentally looked straight into his dazed eyes, my face becoming red.

"T-Traurig! I didn't mean...I-I was just trying to catch you safely" I said embarrassed, as I gently moved him off of me.

"Germania! I was ah so worried when you rushed out! Grazie al cielo you didn't leave!" Italy said, hugging me.

"Feliciano......I'm sorry I forced myself on you, I am. I just couldn't hold back."

"Ah, oh, haha, va bene! O-of course, you're a man, i-it's natural to have urges and things like th--"

"NO! MEIN GÜTE YOU STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW I FEEL?!" I yelled, moving him to face me.


"I-I'M.....I'm in love with you, Italy, I've been in love with you for a long time. I couldn't hold myself back from wanting to hold you because it's YOU. How would you feel if the one you love is always cuddling next to you, oblivious about how strong the feelings you have for them are?!?!" I confessed honestly, my face bright red.

Italy looked at me, then began to sniffle, then started crying excessively. "A-ah, Feliciano, please don't cry, I'm sorry I shouldn't have sprang all that onto you. I'm just selfish, you don't need to accept my fee--" I tried to finish, but Italy covered my mouth with his hands quickly.

"No no, Ludwig, that's not why I'm crying, I'm crying tears of joy" Italy said to me, picking up his head and showed me his teary eyes and bright smile.

"" I asked, a bit in awe.

Italy blushed and shook his head yes. He then hugged me tight and kissed my cheek. "Ti amo Germania, I love you too" Italy whispered into my ear, nuzzling my neck. "I've loved you for so long, that's why I was so affectionate with you, I just wanted to be close to you. Besides, it's common for Italians to show their affection through actions."

I blushed and smiled happily at Italy's hair rubbing against my chin. The words I had wanted to hear, the person I'd wanted to hold for so long, all of this is happening, and it's not a least I hope it's not. I pinched myself, yelping softly and causing Italy to look at me curiously. 

"Traurig, I just wanted to prove something to myself...." I told him, as I tilted his chin up and kissed him roughly, not wanting to hold back any longer. Italy gasped as I let go, then looked at me with lust, his hands holding tightly to my waist.

"Germania...." He whispered softly. I looked at him, then pulled him onto my lap in the middle of the vacant field we sat in.

"Feliciano, Ich liebe dich" I said softly to him, as I kissed him with passion again.

*・゜゚・*:....:*'(*゚▽゚*)'*:.. ..:*・゜゚・*

Author's Note:

CIAO MI AMICI! Thanks for giving me support and reading this fanfic, and sorry it took a while to update, my brain was being a butt. I have more planned, so look forward to it!



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