The Fall Ch. 1

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You are wearing a black hoodie, black ripped jeans, black boots and a f/c long sleeve shirt that is long enough to cover your hands.

*Your POV*

I decided to leave in silence. At midnight I woke up and got dressed. Grabbed my notebook and headed for the mountain. It was dawn when I reached the hole of the monsters. After I finish writing this, I'm never going to be seen ever again. It's too bad though, I guess no one will remember me. 

I finished writing and clenched the notebook close to my chest. I backed up towards the opening, and fell..... All I could see was the appending darkness awaiting for my landing.

But, I was still alive. I sat up and noticed a pile of golden flowers that I had landed on. Seems to have broken my fall. No way up, so I decided to explore. I stood up and headed towards an opening in the wall. In the next room i saw a lonely flower in a ray of sunlight. "H-hello?" I called out to the flower. Pfft. What am I doing, flowers can't talk, I think. I walked closer. I heard faint breathing. "Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower!" I stepped back, startled but also intrigued. I take a step closer. And see a face on the flower. "Umm, hello. Sorry to intrude but, where am I exactly?" "Why, you're in the ruins! This is one part of the Underground! Toriel just left but if you wait a while, you could probably see her. She is, how do you say, the caretaker of the ruins." Flowey gave me a brief explanation and so I waited. About 5 minuets of waiting and talking with the little flower, she arrived. "A-are you Miss Toriel?" I waited for an answer, but it took her a while to replay because I guess I caught her off guard. "Oh, um, yes my child, I am Toriel. Caretaker of the ruins. Please, follow me and I will take you to my house." "Thank you Miss Toriel. I really appreciate it." "Oh my child, you don't have to call me 'Miss Toriel' just Tori or Mom will do." Mom? was she a mother once? She acts like it, sure, I'll call her mom, just to make her happy. "So, Mom, where is your house?" "Oh, it is at the end of the ruins, I will take you there so you can meet someone and also stay if you would like to." She turns her head towards the wall and flicks a lever. "This way now" After a few dozen puzzles, we reach her home. Its very nice on the outside, I could smell a pie baking. On our journey to the house, I made a couple of new friends. A few Froggits, Whimsuns, 1 or 2 looxs' and Toriel of course. When we go inside, you could just smell the cinnamon in the air. "My child, you should meet someone that has gotten here not too long ago. Follow me." I follow her to a room and in the room is a small child in the bed. One the floor I see a piece of pie and I walk slowly toward the child to see if they are awake. And to my surprise they awaken with a jolt, most likely because of my presence. "H-hello, my name is Y/N. What is yours?" "Hi, my name, is Frisk.".

After pie, Toriel gives me a backpack with a flashlight, blankets, a phone and some pie. "My child, go with Frisk to keep them safe please. They are leaving later today to try to free the monsters from here. Promise me that you two will be save, yes?" I don't like to make promises but I had to promise, even though we all know that promises never last.

Frisk and I head down the stairs to the long hallway towards the end of the ruins. My notebook is in the backpack and Frisk is carrying a stick. How cute. Soon we reach the end, Frisk halts. "You ready?" I asked just to get a little confidence in myself. "As I'll ever be." Frisk responded opening the door. It got cold. Lets hope we don't freeze to death.

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