Ch. 13

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*Your POV*

There's a voice, in my head, and it's been speaking with me recently. It will sometimes say things that I can't hear ,or the things I do hear are along the lines of 'are you sure you can trust them' or 'What is the meaning of all this'. I haven't told anyone about it, but it makes me worry sometimes.

It's been a week since Frisk reset. There are voices now. Not just one, multiple. I'm going to lose it soon. They seem to only speak to me at night, every night, all starting at exactly 12:04 am. They talk about losing it all and death and how Sans probably doesn't even care about me much anymore. And every time they speak, I go into a state of isolation. Sans rushing into my room every other night because I was careless and cried too loudly. These voices have a point though, 'What is the point of living if all we do is just die in the end'.

Two weeks have past, so far Frisk is in waterfall, they sure are going faster though. Sans is getting worried. He said that the sparkle in my eyes have dulled. I just shrug it off and continue the day.

I walk over to Sans and give him a peck on the cheek. He blushes. "What put you in a good mood today?" I swayed back and forth getting my breakfast. "You." He blushed even more. It's really cute actually. "Hey so, I've been thinking, why don't I sleep in your room tonight, to you know, help you with the nightmares?" 'Nightmares.' "Sure, if you think you can handle it." I grab my plate and sit in the seat next to Sans. He leaned towards me, a light blush creeping on my face. "For you, I would gladly take anything." I smiled and kissed him. "Glad to hear that because......" I look down at my untouched food. I push the plate away, "It's been happening every night for the past week and a half. And its not nightmares. Its..... ugghh, it's complicated." You look up to see a worried look on his face, tears sting your eyes.

I explained to him about the voices and how I've haven't been feeling good lately. "I know what you're feeling. I had a couple of nightmares and the feeling of not doing anything about them." "..." "Hey, why don't I sleep with you tonight, you know, to help with the voices." I could see a look of concern plastered on his face. I leaned in and kissed his teeth/mouth. "I'd love for you to help me." A big grin spread on his face.

Sans ate some spaghetti and we went on with our day. At night, close around 7 or 8, he headed to my room and fell asleep on my bed. Heh. I stayed up a bit longer. I wasn't tired at all, so I was just thinking. Around 10 or so Sans came back out of my room, grabbed me and carried me into bed. "Go to sleep." "Why?" "Just go to sleep." Then I heard soft snores. I giggled a bit.

Time flew, it was now 12:04 am. The voices started speaking more loudly and rapidly. 'What is the point of living if all we do is just die in the end' I moved around abit. 'Just give up, It would be better that way' Tears were stinging my eyes. 'Sans would want it this way'. That's when I broke. I started to cry louder and Sans bolted up. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. "Shh, it's ok, you're ok, it's not real, the voices will go away." I believed him for a bit until they got louder. I got a major headache and more tears flowed down my checks as I collapsed into Sans' arms while he kept muttering "Its ok, you're ok. Its ok, you're ok....." Then I passed out..

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