The surface Ch. 11

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*After Frisk defeats Asriel and is talking to the group outside of the barrier

*Your POV*

Frisk spoke with everyone then went up to me to tell me something. They motion for me to lean down. *Whisper* Where are you going to go once we leave the underground?" *Whisper* "I'm staying with the skelebros." They squeal. Everyone laughs. Frisk finishes talking and heads out to the surface. We follow. The sun was setting. A beautiful mix of orange, red and yellow. There was also a pretty purple and pink above showing the start of night. Papyrus walked of after saying something, then Undyne ran after him, then Alphys, then Asgore. It was just Toriel, Sans, Frisk and I. "Goat mom?" "Yes my child?" "Can you and Sans leave Y/N and I alone for a moment?" "Oh course my child." Toriel ands Sans walked off and I sat on the cliff. "So, what do you want to talk about?" "Are you sure you have no where to go Y/N?" "Of course I have no where, why?" "Oh, just making sure this isn't a dream. Sans and you are a cute couple." I blush a bit. "Thanks I guess." "Ok, we should head over with the others, they're probably worried." "Yeah, ok." I got up and walked with Frisk to goat mom and Sans. "Are we ready my children?" "Yes!" Frisk and I responded in sync. We giggled. Frisk grabbed Toriel's hand and I grabbed Sans'. We headed into a new opportunity of a life. Little did we know it was all going to change.

*One and a half year later*

Frisk was a little late getting home from school. I got up from the couch and went outside to see if I could see them. Nope, I headed down the sidewalk to see them being pushed down. "Hey!" I yell. I ran up to the little group of bullies (cuz you know they only in like 4th grade) and grabbed Frisk. Holding them on my side I checked for damage, nothing major just a little cut from falling. "Where are your parents boys?" They looked at me like they just got in really big trouble, and they did. I looked at Frisk. "Do you know them?" "Yeah, that one's Josh, that one's Charlie, and that one is Luke." Josh, the brown curly haired one with a blue backpack, Charlie, the blonde one with the gray and black backpack, and Luke, the brunette one with no backpack but he does have a scar visible on his neck. "Now boys, I'll ask you again, where are your parents?" My right eye glowed a purple, just a little bit though, it wasn't that obvious but it was intimidating. Luke stepped up and said that their moms were at the store and they were to walk home and wait. I took them to their houses and on my way back home Frisk ran up to me and said, "I'm sorry" Then everything turned white and I was back at Goat mom's house.

"Wha-how?" I muttered. Toriel looked at me confused. "What did you say my child?" I looked at her. "Nothing. Just a little surprised, your house looks so nice." "Why thank you my child." She shows me the room Frisk was in. I close the door and start asking questions. "Why are we here?" "I loaded my last save." "You didn't save any further?" "No, at least it's better than resetting right?" "I guess... did everyone forget about us?" "Not sure, mom is the only one so far that knows of us, pretty soon we should be leaving to Snowdin to complete the run again." "Ok, but why did you load to your save?" "I couldn't take their teasing anymore. I was mad and hurt so yeah.." "Aww Frisk it's ok, I'll be there to help next time I promise." I hold out my pinkie for them to promise with me. They take it and we heard a knock on the door. "My children, are you ready to leave?" "Yes mom, we'll be right there." Frisk looked at me, "Again, I'm sorry. I didn't think you would remember though." "Heh, me neither."

We head out and saw the door yet again. We went through and automatically I was tackled my Sans. "Hey." "Hey." "Do you remember me?" I asked Sans as he looked astonished. "Yes, do you remember me?" "If I didn't would I have asked that question?" "I guess not." He got up and helped me up. "Sans, I'm sorry for loading my last save, I just couldn't take the teasing anymore." Sans knelt down to meet Frisk's height. "It's ok kid, at least it wasn't a reset." Yeah, a reset... Sans got back up, grabbed my hand and I grabbed Frisk's. Then we continued our walk through all of Papyrus and Sans' puzzles.

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