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*Sans' POV*

By morning y/n was sound asleep. I didn't want to wake her so I just got up and helped Pap make some breakfast. Frisk was staying at Undyne's last night and now they're going to Alphys' to get Frisk ready to head into the core. I heard movement upstairs and saw y/n tiredly plop herself on the couch, dragging a blanket with them, and turning on the TV. Heh, she's so cute. Papyrus finished breakfast and gave y/n a plate so that she wouldn't have to get up. I feel bad for her. As she started eating, she looked to be in pain but ate through it. I got up and walked over to her, trying to calm her down. "Y/n are you ok? Do you have a headache so something?" A tear streamed down her face as she looked up at me. I wiped the tear away and she started crying.

*Your POV*

I couldn't hold it in. I couldn't stay strong, not even for an hour. These voices are gonna be the death of me and I don't know how to get them to stop..... Sans was trying to comfort me, kinda worked. My phone buzzed and it was Frisk. They told me that they were in Alphys' lab now. I smiled and let out a few more tears before going back to my breakfast. Sans sat next to me the whole time, making sure that I was fine. What I didn't know was that Sans was really worried about how I wouldn't get off the couch. Not even to go to Grillby's. When he and Papyrus weren't around, that's when I would walk around and do what I needed until they came back. Sans didn't like leaving me alone so he hid away all the sharp objects in the house until he got back. Heh, yeah, it's totally not like I can't find them.

This happened every day for a few days, voices at night and during breakfast, then them leaving for an hour or less, then coming home for lunch, then Sans staying with me while Pap went to training. Frisk texted me before they went to fight Asgore. 'I'm almost there y/n, then we can enjoy our surface life, but this time, with more trust and communication. Ok?' 'Ok' I texted back. I can't wait to see the sun again. Maybe if I'm on the surface, then the voices will stop. Only way to find out is wait and see.

*Sans' POV*

Frisk understood why I didn't greet them at the judgement hall and proceeded to go fight Asgore. They texted Y/N and that was the first time in a while that she actually genuinely smiled. It warmed my heart. She looked at me with the life returning to her eyes and snuggled close. "Heh, I want to visit Waterfall one last time with you before we go to the surface." She looked at me with wonder. "Sure Sans. Let's go." I teleported us to the echo flower field and she went over to a few and spoke. I love you Sans. Let's be happy for another escape. I can't wait to see the sun again with you. The stars are beautiful this season. I looked up at her and she had a shy smile and blush across her face. "Heh, I love you too y/n." I pulled her close and kissed her, catching her by surprise. She melted into the kiss after a while and wrapped her hands around my neck. We pulled back for air and walked over to the water. We sat down and starred into the calming movement of the river. "Hopefully we will get to visit this place." "Yeah, I hope this run won't reset. I really love spending time with you." She scooted closer and laid her head on my shoulder, falling asleep to the sound of the calming water. Just a little while longer. I believe in you Frisk.

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