Movie night Ch.8

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*A few days later*
*Your POV*

I wake up to noise in the kitchen. It's Papyrus. "Morning Papyrus! Whatcha up to?" "OH HELLO HUMAN! I AM GETTING READY FOR MOVIE NIGHT TONIGHT WITH ALPHYS, UNDYNE AND METTATON. WILL YOU BE JOINING US?" "Well, I got nothing better to do, so I guess I will. What time?" "MOVIE BEGINS AT 11 PM! DON'T BE LATE!" "Ok Papyrus. I'll be there." "GREAT!" I changed into a long sleeved F/c shirt and blue jeans and a F/c jacket. I wanted to explore more. I headed to Waterfall to see if there was anything I missed. I walked toward a box next to a waterfall and rocks were falling down. I started to walk across when I heard a voice. "Pssttttt!" I turned my head towards the waterfall. "Hey, Y/N! Come here!" I walked over to the waterfall. Two hands grabbed me and pulled me through. "Aahh!" I went through and saw a little room. I opened my eyes and saw Sans smiling. "What are you looking at?" "A cute girl who just walked through a waterfall and is now soaking wet." "Ugg." "Hey at least you're with me." "Yeah yeah. Oh, by the way, Papyrus wants us home in time for movie night." "Ok, we have time. Wanna explore some more?" "Hmm, sure." "Great because we're going to Hotland!" "Cool, were in Hotland though?" "You'll see." He grabbed my hand and we teleported to a hotdog stand? "Uhh, Sans?" "Yes?" "Where are we exactly?" "At my hotdog stand! Here, a free hotdog and free hotcat for you." He handed me a hotdog and a hotcat and I ate the 'dog first. Then we heard footsteps nearing our general direction. "Oh, hey Frisk! Want a hotdog?" They nodded their head yes. "Here yah go kid, 30 gold." Sans handed them a 'dog and they wanted another one. "Another one? Heh, ok. Oh, looks like your inventory is full, I'll just put it on top of your head, for free of course." They got excited and wanted another one. "Another one? OK, here yah go." Frisk wanted more & more until they reached Sans' limit of 30 'dogs on their head. "Pfftt! Hahahah! Frisk! How are you going to get all those dogs off your head now? They'll fall." Frisk looked determined to try. They were filled with DETERMINATION. After a step or two, all the dogs fell off and I was laughing so hard. Frisk talked with us for a while then left to continue. They just came back over here to get a dog since Sans wasn't over here the first time. After a few laughs we headed back to the house for the movie night. When we got there everyone else was already there and talking. Mettaton picked a horror movie and before it started I changed into pajamas and sat on the couch next to Sans and Papyrus. Undyne and Alphys were sitting in front of the couch and Mettaton was in a chair. The movie we were going to watch was F/h/m (Favorite horror movie). I got excited and Sans asked if I was ok. "Of course, it's just that this is my favorite horror movie of all time." "OK, don't spoil it." "Ok, I'll try." You gave him a smirk. The movie started and everyone started settling. After the movie was over, everyone was tired and it was like 1 in the morning. "Hey g-guys, do you m-mind if we s-stay here for the night?" "NOT AT ALL! WE CAN HAVE A SLUMBER PARTY!" I laid on the couch. "I call couch." "Ok, Alphy and I will sleep by the TV." "I'll sleep in the chair" "And darling I'll sleep wherever." "THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL SLEEP BY THE DOOR!" Papyrus grabbed blankets and pillows and soon everyone was asleep expect for me. I starred out the window at the snow falling and fell asleep soon after.

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