Hey. Ch. 5

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*Your POV*

After a good 20 minutes of crying and being frozen to death, I heard Undyne scream out for me. I got up and hid behind a tree. She passed by with Sans beside her. I turned away and waited til they left. They didn't. Sans looked at the trees with concern. He motioned Undyne to check off somewhere else. "Hey, now I don't know what happened but obviously you seem a little off. Y/N, are you ok? Ever since that weird dream you had you've been acting weird." Sans kept looking in the trees hoping I would answer. I couldn't, not after seeing him and Catty. He left finally when Undyne returned and I decided to go to Hotland this time. After they left I ran to Waterfall and kept going until I reached the hot landscape. I crossed the bridge and met with this huge building of a lab. I knocked and met Alphys. "Um, hello. I'm Y/N." "O-oh, u-um, I'm A-alphys. Please, come in." I walked in and saw Frisk on the screen. "Wow, spying are we?" "H-hey! It-t's not spying if they're ok with it!" "OK, calm down Alphys I was just messing with cha." "Oh, ok then. I'll be b-back. Make yourself at h-home." "Ok." I walked around and noticed a hole in the wall. Hmm. I walked around some more and before I left I was stopped by a robot. "Hello darling!~ I'm Mettaton! I'm here to talk to you about your friend Frisk! Now, What are they like?" "Oh, well, they are very kind to everyone and I'm glad they are my friend." "Ok darling. Tonight I am hosting a party for Frisk and your arrival. Please stop by the MTT resort at 4 to start getting ready!" "ok,". Mettaton stopped the interview and asked me my favorite color and if I minded that the interview go on tv. "I don't mind at all. Go ahead, not like many people know me so I'll be fine!" I give Mettaton a thumbs up and he smiles? Do box-like robots smile? Well, looks like I'm going to a party tonight!

*4:00 pm. In front of MTT Resort*

"Y/N Darling! Welcome to MTT Resort! Please, come inside! I've made you a dress to wear at the party! Here go put it on!" I grabbed the dress and went to the bathroom to put it on. It was a f/c dress with long sleeves that fade from dark f/c to light f/c. It showed my shoulders and was very long too. It looked so pretty. I still wore my tennis shoes though. I walked out and Mettaton turned me around and did my hair. He put it in a messy bun to where two strands hung out on both sides of my face. It looked really cool and I loved it so much. I went to the party room and all of the monsters from the underground were here! I got to meet the ones from Hotland that I haven't met yet and also I got to talk to Frisk some more. After a while, some more monsters arrived. Then Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys and Sans entered the room. I saw Sans then started to panic. Before I could think I ran. I ran out of the room and to the Glamburger and talked to Burgerpants for a while. I don't think Sans saw me so I'll be fine until I need to go up on stage.

*Sans' POV*
I walked into the party room and saw a f/c part of a dress leave through another exit. I saw Frisk talking to someone so I walked out to where I saw the dress. I walked to the exit and saw Y/N in this beautiful dress talking to Burgerpants. She seems really upset but Burgerpants gives good advice so I'm sure she'll be fine. I started to head back to the party when I saw some blood dripping on the ground.

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