Blood Ch. 6

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*Sans' POV*
I saw drops of blood dripping of the counter. I walked over to Y/N and saw a knife in her hand and blood on her arm. "Y/N? What are you doing? Are you ok?" "Sans, I'd rather not talk about it." "No, you will talk about it because I don't want you hurting yourself more than you already have." "What do you know about me. Besides, shouldn't you be at the party hanging with your friends? I'm fine, just a little.... distracted." I walked closer and saw the cuts on her arm. What happened, what made her cut? "Y/N... why are you harming yourself? James isn't here and everyone is your friend." She flinched when I said his name.

*Your POV*
"Did you just say James? How do you know about him. Wait, did you read my notebook? THAT'S PRIVATE SHIT!" "Y/N I was curious so I read it while you were sleeping. I swear I didn't read all of it, just up to the page about James. I swear." I got up and some blood dripped on the floor. *Sigh*  "I.... I didn't originally plan to harm again. It was just that while I was getting dressed, I had another flashback. It was...something I don't like to think about." "Y/N please, I want to help you. What did he do?" Sans walk toward me and I sat down against the wall. He sat next to me. "Well, as I was looking at how the dress looked on me, then I remembered a time when I was getting dressed to go out and James came in drunk and he started yelling and beating on me. He then took the beer bottle in his hand and broke it on my head knocking me unconscious. When I woke up I was bloody and my clothes were ripped. I waited til he fell asleep then changed clothes and awaited my time of death, midnight, then I fell down here. You just reminded me of him. I don't know why, you two are so different." I had tears stinging my eyes. Sans looked like he was annoyed. "Nothing you can do about it now *sniffle* he probably doesn't even remember me." Sans got up and started pacing the floor. "Y/N, I know we've only known each other for a month, but do you think, maybe we could be a little more than just 'friends'? If you don't want to it's fine I just thought that maybe you need something to keep your mind off from you know who." Sans rubbed the back of his head waiting for an answer, should I say yes? I don't want to break his heart, but I also don't want to get hurt again. Worth a shot I guess. "Sure, I'd love too." "Great! You might want to get ready to go on stage though, Mettaton will be speaking soon." "Oh, right, ok." I grabbed a napkin and wiped whatever blood I had left on my arm. Sans grabbed my hand and we walked in the room. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the arrival party for Frisk and Y/N! Darlings please come up to the stage!" Frisk went up and I followed. "Frisk dear, are you going to free us all from our underground prison?" "Yes." Everyone clapped. "Y/N, what are you doing to help?" "Oh, umm.. I'm..." "She's a scientist! With Alphys!" Sans yelled over the crowd. I gave him a thumbs up. "Oh~ why didn't you tell me? I would have asked you to make me something awhile ago. So there you have it folks! The humans are here to help and don't forget it!" After Mettaton's speech he made Burgerpants play the piano, everyone started to dance. Frisk and I got to dance with everyone, everyone but Sans, they had all left and I walked over to him. Burgerpants played a slow song and Sans took my hand. "Will you dance with me?" "I'd love too."

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