CH. 15

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Frisk broke the barrier and you all lived together in harmony and sans and you love each other forever the end.

(Naw, jk)

There was a bright light, then everything turned back to normal, this means that Frisk had broke the barrier. I quickly ran over to the river person so they could give me a lift since Sans and them were already over there. We reached Hotlands and Frisk was there waiting for me. "Hey Frisk." 'Hey y/n, I made something for you!' They signed and pulled something out from behind them, it was an echo flower crown. "Frisk, it's so pretty." 'Listen to what they have to say.' "I love you. You're beautiful. Don't worry, I'm here" Tears threatened to spill as I sat down and hugged Frisk and whispered "Thank you". I stood up and picked Frisk up and ran over to the elevator with my crown on and went to the castle.

We entered the room after the throne room and Sans had a slight blush as I walked over to him. I hugged him tightly and pecked his cheek, "Thanks" "It was Frisk's idea, I just said the words, heh." "Heh, so, ready to go?" "Always." Sans grabbed my hand and our fingers intertwined as we walked out with everyone and starred at the sunset. Papy, Undyne, Alphys, Asgore, then Goat mom left so it was just Frisk, Sans and I. "So, are we gonna communicate this time?" 'Of course. I'm sorry about before.' "It's ok kiddo." I ruffled Frisk's hair and sat on the edge of the cliff. Sans and Frisk joined me and watched the sun disappear and the stars light up the sky. "See, I told ya." "Told me what?" "The stars are beautiful this season, don't you agree?" "Yeah, but they could never compete with your beauty <3" "Oh hush." Sans turned my head towards him and kiss me. I kissed back and I heard Frisk stand up. "What's up kiddo?" 'Not watching that, later!' They ran off towards Goat mom and left Sans and I to spend a few more laughs before we left to join the others.

"I love you." "I love you more."

(Now it's the end, if you want a sequel comment about it, and I'll think about it :P , Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and remember, someone really cares about you.)

Flowers are dicks

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