The secret Ch.9

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*Your POV*
*4 am You are writing in your notebook*

'I don't know how much longer I can keep this hidden. It's been awhile since I last used them. What if I slip up? What if they all freak out? What if Sans wouldn't love me anymore? All because I was this freak that had trouble keeping their abilities hidden just because of her short temper. Ugghh, why meee??'  I put down the pencil and stared at Sans for a bit. I couldn't sleep so I got up, careful not to wake anyone and put on some snow worthy clothes. I couldn't go through the front door so I went out the back and started to walk around a bit. Feeling the fresh snow drizzle down like a nice shower of ice. I walked towards the forest to put some distance between myself and the house. I went to a secluded part of the forest and opened my hand. A little flame was sitting in my palm. It looked so pretty. It turned blue then red then sunset orange until it settled onto red-orange sunset with a blue top. It gave off a faint heat. Then you opened you other hand. There was a small snowflake twinkling in the light of the flame. The snowflake was light blue with white streaks around it. You played with the floating elements in your hands when you heard footsteps. You closed your hands and turned to see who it was but you tripped and your hiding spot was revealed. You look up to meet the familiar eye sockets of Sans. "Y/N? Why were you out here?" "I...I um.. just couldn't sleep, that's all." "Oh, well, we should get back to the house before anyone else wakes up." "Yeah, ok." You followed Sans to the house wondering if he saw your little show. When you got to the house, you went through the back like before because Papyrus was still sleeping by the front door. We got inside and I looked at the clock. 6 am. About time for Papyrus to get up and go for his daily run. I looked at Sans as he plopped down in the chair. He looked back at me, confused the sudden eye contact. I turned away and starred at the ceiling instead. Sans returned to his slumber and I got lost in thought. When Papyrus awoke I pretended to be asleep and he woke Undyne so they could jog together.

It was 7:30 am. Light shone through the window and woke up everyone else. I was already awake and had made breakfast with Papyrus and Undyne. It was edible though. After breakfast Undyne and them left leaving just the skelebros and I. "Sans, how did you know that I left?" "I could feel a presence...a soul if you will, leave the house and head towards the forest. I didn't know it was yours until you tripped out from your hiding spot." "Oh, did you see anything unusual while you were looking in the trees?" "No, why?" "No reason, just thought I saw something but must've been my imagination." I bit my lower lip. He got up and said "I'm going to Grillbys." And disappeared. I stayed on the couch thinking about how long I could keep the secret. I grabbed my notebook and started to write.
'If I do decide to show my powers to Sans, how would he react? I mean, he does have powers himself but I'm not sure if he could help me control them. What would I do then? The answers are still unclear to me but for now, I'll give him subtle hints for him to catch onto. Maybe he'll ask me about it instead of me straight up telling him. Ugghh, so complicated.'
I put the notebook on the coffee table and put a note on it with the first hint. It read: 'A fire burns deep within a soul, so does an icey fortress. Will you find the secret as to unlocking my heart? Keep an eye-socket out for anything unusual.
I put it on the notebook and put the notebook in front of Sans' door. Lets hope he doesn't get it right away and freak out. But if he does, it'll be fine, because he got my back, probably.

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