A new story Ch. 4

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*Sans' POV*

I didn't want to continue. All the pain, regrets, loneliness, was in this single notebook. Not to mention all the secrets too. She is so broken, another thing we have in common, but I don't think she'll make it on the surface. I have to keep her from leaving the underground. I.. I can't let the one I love suffer when I can do something about it. I put down the notebook and started to stroke her hair. So cute when she sleeps.

*Your POV*

'I woke up in a field. There was one tree with a rope hanging off the branch. I walked over to it and climbed the tree. I heard voices, voices of pain and regrets. Then I saw a figure walking toward the tree, James. He walked to the rope and pulled it off the branch. What was he going to do with it? He motioned me to get down and so I did. Then he started to yell and scream and get mad almost punching me. How could this happen?? What did I do wrong? I ran away. I ran as far as my legs could take me. Then I heard more screaming coming from James. He was chasing after me. I tripped and fell, he caught up and swung at me.' *Gasp* I jolted up and started crying. Sans started freaking out when I woke up. "Are you ok!!?? Y/N! Please stop crying, What's wrong?" But I couldn't tell him. I really didn't want to talk about it. *Sniffle* "Oh, Sans? Where am I? And why... never mind. Thanks for taking care of me, I need to go." "Y/N?" But I already left. I started heading towards Waterfall again and instead of going to the meadow, I went to the river and cried some more. James... why did I have to think about him? I.. I guess him and Sans have some things in common. But, Sans is different. I'm sure of it. I get up and walk towards this opening. There is a telescope and a little monster talking about stars. There is a walk through between them. I go through and see a nice cream parlor. I get 2 Nice creams and leave. I wonder if skeletons eat. I continued to walk, met some new monster friends and landed at a fork in the road. Three paths, the first one was a fish house? The second was leading to to houses, one is Nabstablook's and the other is his cousins I think. The third path lead to the snail farm. Quite interesting. I went to the fish house and I see Papyrus there. "Hey Papyrus!" "OH HELLO HUMAN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" "Just looking around, what are you doing?" "I AM WAITING FOR FRISK SO THEY CAN BECOME BEST FRIENDS WITH UNDYNE!" " Oh, can I join in?" "OF COURSE! THE MORE THE MERRIER!" We waited a bit and Frisk arrived then we went into Undyne's and had a blast. Frisk left and I stayed to talk to Undyne some more. "Hey Undyne?" "Yeah Y/N?" "How can you tell if someone likes you?" "Well, just look for the subtle hints and actions of the person. Just don't get too flustered around the person though. They might find out that you like 'em 2! Huhuhuhu." "Thanks Undyne. I'll see you later." "Later punk!" I left and went back to Snowdin to see if Sans would like to hang out. On my way there I heard talking and hid behind a rock to listen. "Hey listen, I might not be the best guy for you but I can still make you happy, will you be my girlfriend?" It was Sans' voice. Who was he talking to? I turned to see and it was... a cat monster girl? "So Catty, what do you say?" I turned back around and left running quietly. Weeping softly I ran past the skelebro's house and out of town. I stopped at the forest and started to cry like there was no tomorrow. Why did I have to fall in love again? The only other guy that I liked was a complete dick. It's good that Sans didn't know that I liked him. I would have just gotten in the way. Huh, again, I don't matter to the one that matters to me most.

*San's POV*

"Thanks Catty, I'm sure Y/N would say yes if I asked her. Now I just have to find her though." "Ok Sans! Good luck!" "Bye Catty! Thanks again!" I walked away feeling great when I saw Undyne run past. "Hey Undyne! Wait up!" She stops and turns around. "Sans. What did you do?" "What do you mean? I was just about to go find Y/N. I didn't do anything." "Heh, follow me then."

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