The decision Ch.10

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*Sans POV*

I walked into the house to see Y/N sleeping on the couch with tear streaks down her face. What happened? I walked up the stairs and saw something on the floor. It was a note and her notebook. The note read: 'A fire burns deep within a soul, so does an icey fortress. Will you find the secret as to unlocking my heart? Keep an eye-socket out for anything unusual'.   I looked over the note a few more times trying so wrap my head around it. Then I remembered the notebook. I grabbed it and headed into my room. I opened the notebook to continue from where I left off. I soon found an interesting page. 'I don't know how much longer I can keep this hidden........keeping their abilities hidden......powers to Sans.....The answers are still unclear to me...'  I sighed. What do I say to her? She wanted me to read this obviously but I still don't get it. I scanned over the page again. So, she has powers? How exactly? Not sure but I'll ask her when she wakes up.

I left my room and headed downstairs to see if she was still asleep. She was still sleeping but there was something a little off. I sat in the chair and waited for her to awake.

*Your POV*

I woke up from a bad dream to see Sans asleep in the chair. I got up and grabbed my jacket then headed to Grillbys. I was stopped half way there by Sans. "Hey, Y/N?" "Yeah Sans?" I avoided eye contact. "I have to ask you about something." "Ok but first, lets go somewhere with less people." I walk with him to the secluded area in the forest. "Ok, Y/N, I have to ask you about the note and a page in your notebook." I looked at him with pleading eyes. "Sans, I... What about the note and page?" Our eyes met and he said "What kind of powers do you have?" I stepped back and opened my hands. Fire in one, Ice in the other. I looked up at Sans who was astonished. "How?" "I'm not sure, I've had them since I was born, that's probably why everyone picked on me." I looked down and closed my hands. "Y/N, your safe here, you can tell me everything about your powers, I promise I won't ever stop loving you." He smiled at me. "OK, well, for starters, I have fire and ice. I might also have something else I'm just not sure what it is though." "That's ok, we'll find out together." I nodded and looked around us. "Do you wanna head back to the house, it's kinda getting a bit lonely out here." "Sure." He grabbed my hand and we walked back, he making terrible puns and me laughing at them. "...Skele-ton!" He laughed. Wow, he has such a wonderful laugh- STOP. YOU'RE BEING SAPPY. He looked at me and i looked back. It started snowing around us. Each little snowflake gently falling down with grace. I held out my hand with the ice and made a snowball. Sans and I looked at the snowball. I leaned over to him and whispered"Run~" He bolted towards the house and I threw the ball and hit him in the back. He pretended to be major-ly hurt and fell face first in the snow. I walked up to him and claimed victory. He got up with a snowball in his hands and threw it towards me. We had a snowball fight for a bit then went inside to get some hot chocolate. "So, what are we going to do now?" "Wait for Papyrus to get back I guess?" "Ok." I sat on the couch with my hot coco and turned on the TV. Sans sat next to me when I got a call. "Hello?" "Y/N, this is A-alphys. Frisk i-is about to head into the judgement hall." Sans teleported us away to what I'm guessing was the judgement hall. He told me to stand next to him while he talked to Frisk. I heard footsteps nearing us. "So you finally made it. The end of your journey is at hand. In a few moments, you will meet the king. Together... You will determine the future of this world. That's then. Now. You will be judged. You will be judged for your every action. You will be judged for every EXP you've earned..." After his speech Frisk walks up to us and hugs me. "Hey Frisk, how have been holding up there buddy?" "I've missed you. It was hard getting through the core by I did it to help the monsters and to help you get a new start on your life." I stared at Frisk in awe. I hug them tight and whisper something in their ear before they leave. Sans takes us back to the house and we continue are lounging  around on the couch.

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