Chapter 15

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The Dance, Mackenzie's POV

It's Saturday now which means, I have to go to the dance. This is my part of the deal. Once this is done then Johnny has to pretend to be my boyfriend until Christmas, New Years the latest and we're done.

I woke up and Maddie was downstairs eating some breakfast so I joined her.

"The girls are coming and so will Brooke. She's going to help us get ready" she tells me.

I just nodded and ate my breakfast. I put my dish and cup in the sink when the doorbell rang. Maddie grabbed the door, then suddenly the girls were in the kitchen with their dresses, shoes, jewelry, makeup, etc.

"Let's start getting ready!" Chloe and Paige screech.

Then I'm being dragged upstairs into Maddie's room.

"Wait let's go into Kenzie's room, it's bigger!" Maddie suggested.

Even though she was correct, my room is bigger I didn't want them in it but they still went into my room.

"Okay, so let's get hair done first" Brooke said.

They plugged in straighteners and curling irons and waited for them to heat up.

We took turns doing each other's hair. Maddie did Kendall's, I did Nia's, Paige did Chloe and Brooke helped out each of us.

After we switched, except Nia did Paige's hair and Chloe did mine.

"So Mackenzie first school dance you excited?" Brooke asked.

"And you have a cute date too" Chloe added.

"I'm excited" I lied. I actually was dreading this.

"We are going to make you look amazing" Chloe told me.

I smiled weakly and played with my thumbs. After everyone's hair was done we had a little something to eat. Then started our make up.

We decided to do everyone individually.

First was Paige, then Chloe, Nia, Kendall, Maddie and finally me. All the girls surrounded me putting on my makeup.

"Mackenzie, Johnny is going to drool when he sees you" Kendall says.

"Totally"they all agreed.

They finished applying my makeup, and finally let me see. It was perfect. I smiled weakly at them, and they smiled back.

"Thank you" I said hugging them.

We continued to get ready up until 4:50. We had finished.

"Okay the guys are coming soon," Nia told us.

We hung out in my room for awhile until mom called us down. The guys had gotten to the house with their families. We got downstairs and everyone was in the living room.

The girls went to their boyfriends, so I went up to Johnny.

"Hey" I said happily.

He turns around and is speechless. "Uh h-hey" he stuttered.

"How do I look?" I ask obviously knowing the answer.

"Beautiful" he says.

I blushed majorly feeling my cheeks heat up. Why am I blushing? I thought.

Before we could say anything else my mom shouted "picture time!"

We grabbed our coats and went outside. We took our pictures. After the hundreds of pictures we left. Mom and Greg rented a limo for us since they wanted us to be together.

-Time Skip-

We got to the club where the dance was being held and it was really nice.

It was decorated very Christmasy with snowflakes and mistletoe and so much more.

"Hey let's go get some pictures" Johnny suggested.

Right before he drags me with him, Lauren pulled me aside.

"Look I know about your whole deal with Johnny, and I know Hannah will try to bust you guys, but honestly. You guys should actually date" she explained.

"What do you mean? I'm not looking to date anyone you know that" I tell her.

"I know but... think about it. You and Johnny look so happy together. Just think about it okay?" She said.

I just nodded and went with Johnny to take pictures.

"So what did Lauren say?" John asked.

"Oh nothing, just girl talk" I simply say.

He nods and we got in front of the background and take our pictures. I followed Johnny most of the time. We danced a bit. We got bored so we got some food and drinks and sat down.

"You having fun yet?" He asked.

"Yes I am" I smiled.

"Good you're supposed to have fun at these" he tells me.

Soon Justin Bieber's song 'Mistletoe' came one and everyone started slow dancing.

"What to dance?" He asked. I nodded and he stood up guiding me to the center of the dance floor.

We swayed back and fourth. My hands around his neck and his on my hips. The girls we around us and I felt them looking at me.

Johnny leaned in. "Don't worry about them staring. Enjoy the moment" he whispered in my ear.

I smiled and so did he. Eventually I see him look up and so do I. We look at each other and he smirked while I blushed greatly.

He leans in and kissed me and I kissed him back.

My first kiss.

Under the mistletoe.

SOOOOOOO THEY KISSED! Deal with it! Also if you read Shy Girl the same thing happened a kiss under the mistletoe. I love that no matter how cheesy it is. I'm actually hoping I get a kiss under the mistletoe this year by someone special. ;) anyways that's it for this chapter vote :)

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