Chapter 17

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Johnny's POV

It is Monday unfortunately and again I have practice all week and a game Friday. I'm happy though I made it on the team even though there's about 4 games left in the season.

Friday apparently Mackenzie's parents are going to come watch the game too. So I have to be extra flirty. Maybe give Mackenzie a kiss or two.

The kiss at the dance though, I can't stop thinking about it.

It was nice. I liked it, and I'm sure she did too. But she didn't really tell me. But it was something I'll admit.

Mackenzie pulled me aside when I approached the group.

"What's up?" I ask.

"The kiss is what's up. That wasn't apart of our deal" she tells me.

"Ya so? Look we were under the mistletoe and I'm a flirty person so put two and two together and you get a kiss" I smirked.

"Whatever, just never again" she sighed.

"Look if we kiss each other it'll be more convincing if we are dating. We already have Hannah suspicious we don't need anyone else having their suspicions."

She sighed then walked away.

-Time Skip to Friday-

Me and the guys met up with all the girls after school. Like last Friday we went to get something to eat before the game. And we went to the same restaurant too, BJ's.

"So I think coach might have you in the whole game again John" Gino tells me.

"You think so?" I questioned.

"Dude you're an awesome player of course" Lucas said.

"Alright can we talk about something other than hockey. We don't know much about it" Kendall stated.

"We don't know much about dance but we still listen" Ricky stated.


We all laughed and changed the topic.

"So how was the dance Saturday? We didn't get to talk about it much" Brooke mentioned.

I look over and see Mackenzie's face. I grabbed her hand and rubbed my thumb over it.

"It was really fun. I had a great time" I said.

Before anymore could've been said our food had came so we began to eat. We got really lucky there.

Eventually, like last week, me and the guys went back to the school and met up with the team in the gym.

"Orlando, you're playing the whole game. Me and coach talked about it already" Xavier tells me.

I nodded and grabbed my stuff. We went down to the rink and got ready.

Just before we went out to the rink we gathered in a circle for a pep talk.

"Alright boys, this team has unbelievable players. But we're not going to stop us from winning. Especially if we have the awesome skills from everyone" Coach tells us.

"Orlando I'm believing in you don't let us down" coach told me.

"I won't I promise" I tell him.

He grinned then nodded. "Good now lets get out there and kick some butt."

We get out onto the ice and almost instantly the game started. I body slammed a few people. Xavier made a puck in and got us the first point.

Eventually we start getting more points. Gino gets one, Gavin, Ricky. Basically all the guys. Now yet again it's the final minute and I have the puck.

Whether I make it or not we'll still win considering the score is 6-3. I maneuver myself around the people and out of the guys trying to body slam me.

It finally comes to the last few seconds and take my opportunity. I hit the puck and it flies in the net.

The buzzer goes off and I glide over to the team who are celebrating.

"Nice job Orlando" coach tells me.

"Thank you coach" I tell him.

Eventually everyone comes down onto the ice and we're all talking until she comes.

Sorry this chapter isn't that good. I completely forgot about it so I rushed to get it done. I'm so sorry y'all deserve better anyways I'm tired it's like 10:30 at night and I have school tomorrow and I need energy to deal with idiots so I'm going to bed goodnight loves 😊💜.

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