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My phone vibrates loudly on the counter and I drop my hand from the magazine, retrieving it and scanning the screen. I unlock it to read the rest of the message.

Geoff: 3 days left till tours over! See you soon, Q. Awsten says you should have a fresh glass of orange juice prepared for him as soon as the plane lands. Otto says your smiling face is all he wants. Personally, I'd like a bouquet of daises. Up to you. Have a good day beautiful. 

I smile at the text, abandoning my Vogue magazine and typing out a reply, my thumbs flying across the screen to the desired letters. 

Tell Awsten I'll get right on that, juicing the oranges myself. No promises to Otto. The days are flying. Talk to ya later gooorgeous (;

Geoff and I had unofficially decided to  flirt with each other pretty much constantly. We're actually becoming pretty good friends, he never fails to text me and we facetime every few days. He's busy, but he manages. 

I yawn and drop my phone on the counter, quickly I spin around and look at the clock on the oven. 11:02 AM. I have to be to work in an hour. 

I stand and stretch when my phone vibrates again. 

Awsten: I don't want none of that hand fresh squeezed bULLSHIT. GIve me HEB or give me death. 

I roll my eyes and ignore the text, deciding I should probably go get ready for work. 


Kendlee's knees are shaking and it's starting to drive me insane. 

"Would you chill out? They're just people. They're just my friends." I roll my eyes four days later as we sit in the uncomfortable terminal chairs at the airport. 

"Yeah, that's why you brought Geoff flowers." She doesn't cease her leg jiggling and I begin to question why I even offered to bring her with me. 

"It's an inside joke." I mutter and she sighs heavily. 

"Didn't you have a date with Brad today?" I ask, suddenly remembering her serious boyfriend. 

"Yeah but meeting my favorite band at the airport seemed a little more important that having unprotected sex at his house and taking a test tomorrow." Kendlee picks at her nails as if she's bored and this was a completely normal thing to say.

"What?" I stare at her bewildered but she ignores me and points. 

"Look there they are!" She squeals, slight hysteria taking over.

Sure enough when I look past her painted nails where she's pointing, Waterparks are standing about 30 feet away. 

Awsten's hugging a blonde girl tightly, his face buried into her neck but an obvious smile overtaking his features. Otto's lips are attached to a short blonde girl, her hands are all over him and it almost makes me laugh. Otto doesn't seem to be the PDA type but he certainly isn't protesting. 

Geoff is smiling, his arms wide open, a duffel bag hanging off his shoulder. 

I stand up and approach him, the flowers held behind my back. 

"If you thought I was running and jumping into your arms, boy you were sorely mistaken." I smile and he drops his arms, shrugging slightly. 

"It was worth a try right?" I roll my eyes before presenting him with the daises I picked up from HEB on the way to the airport. 

"No, way. You actually did it." He snatches them from my hand and inhales their sweet scent deeply. 

"Okay, that's great and all," Awsten interrupts. "But where the hell is my orange juice?"

Powerless (Geoff Wigington)Where stories live. Discover now