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hi i cut my fingers pretty bad today so it;s hard for me to type so i'll read over this a few times before publishing but sorry in advance for any grammar errors. _________________________________--

"No," I moan falling back into the pillows as soon as Geoff releases my arms that he yanked on to get me to sit up. 

"Come on Quinn," Geoff chuckles slightly, sitting back down on the bed next to me. "We've been laying in your bed literally all day. Awstens New Years Eve party starts in an hour."

I moan again, pouting and rolling over to look up at his blue eyes. "I'm going to get dressed with the few clothes I have here and by the time I'm finished," He cups my cheek with his rough hands, a smile lounging across his lips. "You better have your ass out of this bed." Geoff finishes his thought with a threat and I roll my eyes, he begins sifting through the clothes of his that have accumulated on my bedroom floor in the last 6 days.

I sit up and lean on my elbows, watching as my boyfriend mutters things under his breath while he sifts through clothes. He pulls out a pair of my black lace panties. 

"When do I get to see these?" Geoff asks, holding them up and wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, causing me to laugh loudly. 

"I'm pretty sure your pile of shit is over in the corner." I say, nodding my head towards the corner next to the TV.

Geoff reluctantly drops the underwear and stands up. "You're lucky we've got places to be or we'd have a very serious discussion about those." 

I roll my eyes as he quickly snatches up a blue shirt and slides it over his head before pulling a pair of pants over his boxers.

"You're not out of bed yet." Geoff observes when he turns around to look at me, shaking his head.

"Figure that one out all by yourself?" I say sarcastically and he approaches the end of the bed, leaning forward and placing his hands on my bare thighs before slowly moving them down my leg. 

"I'm known to be a rather good detective." He retorts, his voice low and warm. 

When his hands reach my calves he suddenly yanks on them, pulling me towards him quickly so he's looking down over my face. 

He leans down and kisses around my belly button slowly before leading the trail of kisses back up my stomach and to my neck. 

"Please get dressed." He whispers into my jugular and I bite my lip, nodding my head a tiny bit and he jumps back, clapping his hands. 

"Fantastic." Geoff offers me his hand, I take it and he pulls me up into sitting position. "I'm gonna go get dressed a little fancier. I'll be back in half an hour." 

"You're only giving me half an hour to get fancy?" I ask, immediately sorting through my brain trying to visualize my wardrobe and figure out what I can wear. 

"A little fancy, not too much. This is Awsten after all. And you're the one who laid in bed all day." He points out and then kisses my forehead tenderly before leaving. I continue to keep a tight grip of the sheet wrapped around me and then sigh, falling back onto my bed, a grin staking claim on my face. 


Geoff clutches his chest dramatically when I open the front door and step out into the chilly December air. 

"You look incredible." He says, gesturing to my maroon dress. I smile, a small blush spreading across my face. 

"Not so bad yourself. " I reply and he smiles brightly, leaning in and kissing me slowly. 

Powerless (Geoff Wigington)Where stories live. Discover now