20- Final

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                                                                                     5 Years Later

"Babe, have you seen my socks?" Geoff asks, coming down the hallway, sounding confused as hell. 

I barely look up from my book. 

"Bottom drawer dear." I say and he sighs. 

"I thought they were the top drawer."

I smile, setting my book down. "It didn't occur to you to check any other drawers?"

"Nope, but I knew you would know where they were. That's why I married you." Geoff grins and I laugh. 

"To find your socks?" I say, standing up and approaching him, putting my hands on his chest and smoothing out his shirt. 

"Bet your beautiful buns hun." Geoff laughs and leans down, kissing me softly. 

"I'm here!" A voice comes from the front door and suddenly a small girl with brown hair the same color as Geoff's, just much longer, comes rushing out from behind my husband and dashes to where the voice came from. 

"Uncle Awsten!" She cries gleefully as the man with blue hair in question comes around the corner, meeting the girl halfway and enveloping her small body in a hug, quickly picking her up off her feet.

"I thought we talked about you referring to me as The Godfather." Awsten says and the girl shrugs in the adorable way only children can get away with. 

"Mommy said that's stupid." She points at me and I laugh at Awsten, who clutches his chest dramatically like I've wounded him, slowly he sets my daughter back onto her feet. 

"Well I say your mommy is stupid." Awsten says and the girl rolls her eyes dramatically before making her way to me. 

I kneel down and smile at my daughter. "Don't you listen to him, Daisy. Your Uncle Awsten used to build castles out of paper towels. He has no room to talk. Plus, he's 30 years old and his hair is still blue."

"Hey," Awsten says, pointing at me. "Those were awesome and lets be honest, this hair ain't never gonna go outta style girl."

"I want blue hair Mommy!" Daisy exclaims and Awsten winks at her. 

"Where the hell are Grace and Otto?" Geoff asks, trying to tie his tie unsuccessfully until I stand up and do it for him. 

"I remember when these parties were just the three of us in pajamas and now there's 6 of us in party attire." Geoff shakes his head as I straighten out his tie and kiss his cheek softly. 

Awsten approaches his long time best friend and claps him on the shoulder loudly. "This is what happens when you hit your 30's and have a kid bud. But not me, good ole Awsten Knight is gonna keep living it up till he can't anymore." Awsten chuckles and I shake my head. 

"And yet, here you are. New Years Eve 2022, suit and tie." I raise my eyebrow at him and he rolls his eyes. 

"Shut it, Wigington."

The door bell chimes throughout the house, echoing off the white walls. 

"Amateurs." Awsten says, shaking his head and walking past us, into the kitchen. 

"I'll get it!" Daisy shouts, rushing towards the door before either of us can respond. 

"Hey," Geoff says softly and I look up at him, his blue eyes successfully drowning me all the same, even after 5 years of marriage. "I love you."

I smile at my husband, and the way my heart still flutters at those 3 simple words. "I love you more."

"The party is here!" Grace announces, coming in walking ahead of Otto who is holding my daughter on his hip. 

"Holy shit, your dress is gorgeous." I say to her and she grins before hugging me tightly. 

"I was just going to say the same to you!"

Daisy wriggles her way out of her Uncle Otto's arms and takes off down the hallway again. 

"She's getting so big, I can't believe it." Otto says as I step forward and hug him. 

"Yeah, being 4 years old will do that." Awsten reappears, and interjects in the conversation, a glass of champagne in his hand. 

"We were gonna save that for midnight you know." Geoff gestures to his drink and Awsten stares at him before taking another sip of it, obviously daring Geoff to say something. He rolls his eyes instead. 

"Looks like the gangs all here!" Grace grins and then juts her arm out, showing us her hand and, more importantly, the huge diamond on her ring finger. 

"Holy fuck." I breathe out, grabbing her hand and staring at the huge diamond that probably cost more than mine and Geoff's house. 

"It's about time man." Awsten says and hugs Otto first, followed closely by Geoff. 

"Shit, congrats you guys!" Geoff yells and then disappears into the kitchen, coming back moments later with the entire bottle of champagne. 

"To Otto and Grace, one of the best damn couples you'll ever see, despite their dramatic love story. Here's to many years of love, congratulations." Awsten laughs at this. Geoff holds the bottle high in the air for a moment before lowering it and tipping it back, taking a drink before handing it off to Otto who does the same. 

"Auntie Grace." Daisy reappears and tugs on the end of Grace's cocktail dress. "Daddy painted my room, can you come look?"


"20 seconds!" Otto yells, hopping over my legs and landing on the couch next to Awsten, who is asleep, his head lolled back, a bottle of champagne in his hand. 

"Shhhh." Geoff says, gesturing to the sleeping Daisy in my lap. 

Gently, Otto wakes Awsten as the clock begins to countdown and he grumbles until I carefully pass Daisy to him, then he grins as he holds his nieces sleeping figure in his lap. 

"You guys did so good." Awsten says, smiling down at our daughter than looking up at us. 

"9 seconds!" Grace says excitedly and I smile, looking up at Geoff. 

"God, I love you so much." Geoff says and I grin as the new year approaches, 5 more seconds. 

"Boy, you have no idea." I laugh and as the ball drops and the clock ticks midnight, we ring in 2023. Otto and Grace kiss, Awsten presses his lips against my daughters forehead. 

Geoff and I ring in our 7th new year together with the same amount of passion and love we did with our first. 

"Here's to many more, my love." Geoff says and clinks his glass against mine, choosing to kiss me instead of drink.                             


wow so that's it. 

I had so much fun with this story, I really hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

I'm starting my Otto story next. It's called Snowflakes and should be up on my profile soon my guys. You could follow me if ya want to keep track of my Waterparks crap bc I love this band so much I promise there is more to come. 

And shout out to Geoff Wigington for nearly walking into me at Warped Tour and inspiring this fic, love you bb. 

So yeah, I hope ya'll enjoyed this and I also hope you see and/or meet Waterparks soon cause they're angels and I think everyone should love them as much as I do. 


tootles ig <3                           

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