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i don't think anyone loves Dizzy as much as I do fUCK that song is good


"What are you gonna do with your life?" Geoff asks, his feet on my coffee table, a glass of cider sitting in his hands. He's staring at it like it holds the answer to the worlds problems. Suddenly, his magnificent blue eyes flash up to mine, and his hand reaches up to scratch the skin around his blue green nose ring. 

"What kind of question is that?" I ask, caught off guard. I shake my head and flick my eyes up to the TV where Star Wars is playing, at request of Geoff of course. 

"The kind that you answer." He sips his beverage after saying this and keeps staring at me but I keep my attention focused on the talking robot on screen. 

"It's the first week of September, why did you want to drink hot cider?" I attempt to divert him but he sits up and sets his drink on the table, resting his arms on his legs and turning to look at me again. 

"Don't distract me by judging my beverage tastes. Can't I ask questions about my friend?" Geoff raises his bushy eyebrows at me and I sigh, pushing myself off the couch to stand, shrugging. 

"I don't know what I want." 

"You surely don't want to work at Sephora for the rest of forever, right? What do you know?" He presses on and I sigh frustrated. Why is he pushing this?

"I guess I'm sick of being in Houston. I'm sick of everything I've been around enough to get used to. " I shrug, picking up my empty mug of tea and carrying it to the kitchen, setting it in the sink and resting my arms on it. 

 When I return to the living room, a few minutes later, Geoff's phone is in his hand and he's staring at the screen intently, he locks it when I seat myself a few feet from him on the couch. 

"What do you want to do with your life?" I ask him a few minutes later after he's finished laughing at a joke I did not get in the movie. 

Geoff purses his lips for a moment and makes a loud popping noise when he releases them. I can't help but notice how chapped his lips are, I almost offer him my chaptstick.

"Well, I've already got Waterparks and I expect we'll replace One Direction by spring so," He chuckles quietly and I let out a small smile. "All I really want to do is become the human personification of Link from Legend of Zelda." He grins at me brightly and I roll my eyes and hit him with a pillow.

"Nerd." I shake my head. 

"Rude." He says, pulling the pillow from behind his back and hitting me across the face with it. 

"Fuck you Wigington." I laugh and jump up, sliding down the hardwood floors in my socks to my bedroom where I quickly load up with the two body pillows laying on my bed. 

Geoff's loud footsteps come running up behind me and I swing blindly, connecting with what I hoped was his face but instead got his hand. 

"No such luck darling." He laughs and yanks the pillow out of my hand, going full whammy on me for a minute before I regain focus and start wailing on him with the other pillow in my possession. 

Soon enough, he falls back onto my bed and I climb onto him, positioning myself on his lap to better aim the pillow straight at his nose. 

He's laughing incredibly loud, I'll probably get a call from my neighbors later, but he manages to gasp out a sentence. "S-surrender. I s-surrender!" He holds his hands up, still laughing. I reluctantly cease my beating and we sit there, him on my unmade duvet, me on his lap, laughing until it feels like my lungs might burst. 

Powerless (Geoff Wigington)Where stories live. Discover now