| Mason Hewitt |

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Mason when he finds out you're a werewolf You had been trying to keep it a secret from mason, your best friend that you were a wolf

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Mason when he finds out you're a werewolf
You had been trying to keep it a secret from mason, your best friend that you were a wolf. You didn't want him to be scared of you or think of you differently.
Earlier that night, mason caught you wolfing out but you didn't see him. The next day at school mason ran up to you out of breath.
"Woah buddy calm down, what's got you so excited?" You asked.
"Y-you. You're a werewolf!" He yelled.
Your eyes went wide and you looked around to see if anyone heard, which thankfully nobody did.
"Why would you keep it from me?" Mason asked.
"I don't know. I was scared I guess? I didn't want you to be terrified of me or not want to be my friend anymore." You said looking down.
"You're always going to be my best friend Y/N you dumbass I don't care what you are."

Hey y'all I made some changes. Brett and Theo aren't going to be in this a lot like I was planning. They'll be in it every now and again. Here's the order everything will be in
Love u babies
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